Collect Info on Tournaments for automatic Calendar Updates

Pulls info on select tournaments on and uses this information to create google calendar events or discord events.

Example Usage of StartGG Module for Querying Tournaments

Let's walk through a quick example on how you might pull tournament info from the startgg api class TournamentPuller.

from tournament_puller import TournamentPuller
from constants import STARTGGAPIKEY

# initiate an object of class TournamentPuller to get tournament data
tp = TournamentPuller(apikey=STARTGGAPIKEY, state="NC")

# initiate results by state, we already provided state at the initiation
# step so we dont need to pass that in again here
# note that we also could have initiated by a list of owner ids

# after we get state results lets only look at tournaments that run certain games
# there are also other filter options to choose from that can be used once a 
# list is initiated
tp.filter_by_game(game_list=['game/street-fighter-6', 'game/guilty-gear-strive'])

# check out the results