
OVSDB App updated by EVERIS to work with ONOS 2.2.2

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository has a updated version of some apps in the onos-app-samples. The repository of ONOS in their examples are not upadted for the last version of the ONOS Project, therefore it is necessary to update the apps to work with them. This repository was developed by EVERIS to help with the updating process of IPFix and OVSDB-REST API.



This app is used to manage the bridges and its characteristic using OpenVSwitch DataBase. In this case it is necessary to have a manager device to work with. If you install this app in ONOS (The test were made using the ONOS 2.2.2 version) you can do the next actions:

  • Add a bridge.
  • Delete a bridge.
  • Add a port to an existing bridge.
  • Delete a port to an existing bridge.
  • Create a VXLAN Tunnel to an existing bridge.
  • Create a Patch peer port to an existing bridge.
  • Create a Path Intent to set a VXLAN as a Primary, Backup or Failover

Those actions are made using REST API in every case. There is a chance to use this app also to create other types of tunnels. However, it was not the purpose of the project, therefore we cannot work in this possibility. If you want you can fork this project to create those extra features to the app.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Basis of REST APIs and how it works
  • Networking fundamentals
  • Basic Knowledge about how ONOS works. A very good start point would be the Basic Tutorial ONOS
  • An IDE to work with a JAVA Environment, Maven and Bazel. The ONOS Team recommends to work with, here there is the tutorial for a basic installation of the project Using an IDE for the Project
  • JAVA 11 installed in the ONOS machine (Prerquisite to install ONOS)
  • Installation of ONOS in a single machine


The installation process of both apps is highly based in a skeleton onos-app. That's why even when the last version of ONOS use Bazel as the main compiler, the skeleton app use Maven to compile the file and create the file *.oar, which can be uploaded to the ONOS machine. On both folders you are going to find a pom.xml file which is used to compile the project. If you have installed Maven in your machine here you just need to compile the pom.xml file with the next command.

# You should be in the root of one of the apps
mvn clean install

If you want to make some changes in the code or you want to debug something. We recommend that you use Intellij IDEA to make this process. ONOS has some documentation about how you should use this IDE to make those process. However, both files has its last *oar file ready to use. You can find this in <APP>/target/*.oar and it can be used the GUI ONOS interface to install the app in the Applications part. The app is going to install all the core apps that it needs to make a successful installation.


The deployment of both apps are found in the Wiki of this repository. Please go to the next links to see how you can work with every app in an ONOS environment.


  • Jairo Mejia - Work to upadte the app to ONOS 2.2 LTS - jrmejiaa
  • Roque Sosa - Work to upadte the app to ONOS 2.2 LTS - sadalmelik828
  • ONOS Core Team - Initial work - onos


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details