
first ever hackathon!! @Nvidia @ODSC

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


By: James Vuong, Jay Huang, Jonathan Mui

Spooktacular NVIDIA Data Science Competition First ever hackathon!!

Contest: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/odsc-2024-nvidia-hackathon

The Challenge The ultimate question remains: Who is the Scariest Monster of them all? 🏆💀 Your task is a regression to predict the target variable, “y” — the number of votes each monster received in the global terror poll. Note: You are required to use either pandas or Polars DataFrames in your solution.

Received an RMSE of: 651.48060 (at some point this was the 10th best submission!! XD) Highest Scorer was: 624.83802

Learned a lot about how to apply EDA and use LASSO and RIDGE models to optimize selection of features!