Sublime Text 3 - Installed Packages & Settings
- SublimeLinter 3 - plugin for Sublime Text 3 that provides a framework for linting code
- SublimeLinter-contrib-standard linter plugin for the JavaScript Standard Style
- StandardFormat for automatic formatting ('Format On Save' disabled by default)
- Font: Adobe's Source Code Pro - Size: 12, Windows-specific directwrite enabled
- Sublime Text 3 - recommend Build 3107+ for JavaScript improvements (performance, syntax highlighting, ES6 support)
- Package Control
- Git
- Node.js - v 4.3.1 LTS and up recommended
- Source Code Pro - OpenType (OTF) recommended
- Change directory to the Settings-User location (on Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User)
- Run the following git commands from the Bash prompt:
$ git clone
$ mv sublime-packages/* sublime-packages/.* ./
$ rm -rf sublime-packages
- Install standard and standard-format to the global path using npm (included with Node.js):
$ npm install -g standard
$ npm install -g standard-format