
Example methods for estimation of phase of brain-rhythms for real-time use

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Author: James R. McIntosh
Contact: j.mcintosh@columbia.edu


Installation and getting started

  • After cloning the repository, the following commands will install the necessary libraries:
conda env create -f py_eegepe.yml
  • To get started, an across subject analysis as described in the manuscript can be run.
conda activate py_eegepe
cd examples/
python gen_figure_supp_as.py
  • Before the gen_figure_supp_as.py python scrip will work, the data has to be correctly configured in two locations:

    • gen_figure_supp_as.py : datadir variable (the root of the dataset folder), dataset variable (the name of the dataset folder)
    • data_specific.py : specifier, specifier_proc and _sublist which act to configure the location of data within the project directory. As well as preprocessor which handles the data specific pre-processing to be carried out (see examples for existing datasets within data_specific.py)
  • Examples directory has been configured to operate with the Child Mind Institute - healthy brain network data. After downloading this data must be processed by a matlab script (convert_mat_to_eeglab.m) to enable loading with MNE.

    • The path structure should look like this:

    • [datadir]/data/[subject_ID]/EEG/raw/mat_format/
    • And where resting data is present, the following will be added after running the matlab script:

    • [datadir]/data/[subject_ID]/EEG/raw/eeglab_format/
    • data_specific.py is currently setup to deal with this configuration, but this can be changed as is required.

  • gen_figure_supp_as.py as well as the other high-level functions in examples/ and manuscripts/ are configured to cycle through a series of experiments as configured in paradigm.py

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