- Homepage: https://github.com/rebelidealist/stripe-ruby-mock
- Issues: https://github.com/rebelidealist/stripe-ruby-mock/issues
- CHAT: https://gitter.im/rebelidealist/stripe-ruby-mock
REQUEST: Looking for Additional Core Contributor
This gem has unexpectedly grown in popularity, so I'm currently looking for an additional core contributor to help me out. I'm not abandoning the project, I just need someone to help manage pull requests and code quality; I don't have nearly as much free time as I used to. If you're interested, ping me in chat (see above).
In your gemfile:
gem 'stripe-ruby-mock', '~> 2.0.1'
- No stripe server access required
- Easily test against stripe errors
- Mock and customize stripe webhooks
- Flip a switch to run your tests against Stripe's live test servers
- Strict params: Plan, Token#create
** WARNING: This library does not cover all Stripe API endpoints. If you need one that's missing, please create an issue for it. **
At its core, this library overrides stripe-ruby's request method to skip all http calls and instead directly return test data. This allows you to write and run tests without the need to actually hit stripe's servers.
You can use stripe-ruby-mock with any ruby testing library. Here's a quick dummy example with RSpec:
require 'stripe_mock'
describe MyApp do
let(:stripe_helper) { StripeMock.create_test_helper }
before { StripeMock.start }
after { StripeMock.stop }
it "creates a stripe customer" do
# This doesn't touch stripe's servers nor the internet!
customer = Stripe::Customer.create({
email: 'johnny@appleseed.com',
card: stripe_helper.generate_card_token
expect(customer.email).to eq('johnny@appleseed.com')
Test Helpers
Some Stripe API calls require several parameters. StripeMock helps you keep your test brief with some helpers:
describe MyApp do
let(:stripe_helper) { StripeMock.create_test_helper }
it "creates a stripe plan" do
plan = stripe_helper.create_plan(:id => 'my_plan', :amount => 1500)
# The above line replaces the following:
# plan = Stripe::Plan.create(
# :id => 'my_plan',
# :name => 'StripeMock Default Plan ID',
# :amount => 1500,
# :currency => 'usd',
# :interval => 'month'
# )
expect(plan.id).to eq('my_plan')
expect(plan.amount).to eq(1500)
The available helpers are:
For everything else, use Stripe as you normally would (i.e. use Stripe as if you were not using StripeMock).
Live Testing
Every once in a while you want to make sure your tests are actually valid. StripeMock has a switch that allows you to run your test suite (or a subset thereof) against Stripe's live test servers.
Here is an example of setting up your RSpec (2.x) test suite to run live with a command line switch:
RSpec.configure do |c|
if c.filter_manager.inclusions.keys.include?(:live)
puts "Running **live** tests against Stripe..."
With this you can run live tests by running rspec -t live
Mocking Card Errors
Tired of manually inputting fake credit card numbers to test against errors? Tire no more!
it "mocks a declined card error" do
# Prepares an error for the next create charge request
expect { Stripe::Charge.create }.to raise_error {|e|
expect(e).to be_a Stripe::CardError
expect(e.http_status).to eq(402)
expect(e.code).to eq('card_declined')
Built-In Card Errors
You can see the details of each error in lib/stripe_mock/api/errors.rb
Specifying Card Errors
By default, prepare_card_error
only triggers for :new_charge
, the event that happens when you run Charge.create
. More explicitly, this is what happens by default:
StripeMock.prepare_card_error(:card_declined, :new_charge)
If you want the error to trigger on a different event, you need to replace :new_charge
with a different event. For example:
StripeMock.prepare_card_error(:card_declined, :create_card)
customer = Stripe::Customer.create
# This line throws the card error
and :create_card
are names of methods in the StripeMock request handlers. You can also set StripeMock.toggle_debug(true)
to see the event name for each Stripe request made in your tests.
Custom Errors
To raise an error on a specific type of request, take a look at the request handlers folder and pass a method name to StripeMock.prepare_error
If you wanted to raise an error for creating a new customer, for instance, you would do the following:
it "raises a custom error for specific actions" do
custom_error = StandardError.new("Please knock first.")
StripeMock.prepare_error(custom_error, :new_customer)
expect { Stripe::Charge.create }.to_not raise_error
expect { Stripe::Customer.create }.to raise_error {|e|
expect(e).to be_a StandardError
expect(e.message).to eq("Please knock first.")
In the above example, :new_customer
is the name of a method from customers.rb.
Running the Mock Server
Sometimes you want your test stripe data to persist for a bit, such as during integration tests running on different processes. In such cases you'll want to start the stripe mock server:
# spec_helper.rb
# The mock server will automatically be killed when your tests are done running.
require 'thin'
Then, instead of StripeMock.start
, you'll want to use StripeMock.start_client
describe MyApp do
before do
@client = StripeMock.start_client
after do
# Alternatively:
# @client.close!
# -- Or --
# StripeMock.stop_client(:clear_server_data => true)
This is all essentially the same as using StripeMock.start
, except that the stripe test
data is held in its own server process.
Here are some other neat things you can do with the client:
@client.state #=> 'ready'
@client.get_server_data(:customers) # Also works for :charges, :plans, etc.
@client.state #=> 'closed'
Mock Server Options
# NOTE: Shown below are the default options
StripeMock.default_server_pid_path = './stripe-mock-server.pid'
:pid_path => StripeMock.default_server_pid_path,
:host => '',
:port => 4999,
:server => :thin
Mock Server Command
If you need the mock server to continue running even after your tests are done, you'll want to use the executable:
$ stripe-mock-server -p 4000
$ stripe-mock-server --help
Mocking Webhooks
If your application handles stripe webhooks, you are most likely retrieving the event from stripe and passing the result to a handler. StripeMock helps you by easily mocking that event:
it "mocks a stripe webhook" do
event = StripeMock.mock_webhook_event('customer.created')
customer_object = event.data.object
expect(customer_object.id).to_not be_nil
expect(customer_object.default_card).to_not be_nil
# etc.
Customizing Webhooks
By default, StripeMock searches in your spec/fixtures/stripe_webhooks/
folder for your own, custom webhooks.
If it finds nothing, it falls back to test events generated through stripe's webhooktester.
For example, you could create a file in spec/fixtures/stripe_webhooks/invoice.created.with-sub.json
, copy/paste the default from the default invoice.created.json, and customize it to your needs.
Then you can use that webook directly in your specs:
it "can use a custom webhook fixture" do
event = StripeMock.mock_webhook_event('invoice.created.with-sub')
# etc.
You can alse override values on the fly:
it "can override webhook values" do
# NOTE: given hash values get merged directly into event.data.object
event = StripeMock.mock_webhook_event('customer.created', {
:id => 'cus_my_custom_value',
:email => 'joe@example.com'
# Alternatively:
# event.data.object.id = 'cus_my_custom_value'
# event.data.object.email = 'joe@example.com'
expect(event.data.object.id).to eq('cus_my_custom_value')
expect(event.data.object.email).to eq('joe@example.com')
You can name events whatever you like in your spec/fixtures/stripe_webhooks/
folder. However, if you try to call a non-standard event that's doesn't exist in that folder, StripeMock will throw an error.
If you wish to use a different fixture path, you can set it yourself:
StripeMock.webhook_fixture_path = './spec/other/folder/'
Generating Card Tokens
Sometimes you need to check if your code reads a stripe card correctly. If so, you can specifically assign card data to a generated card token:
it "generates a stripe card token" do
card_token = StripeMock.generate_card_token(last4: "9191", exp_year: 1984)
cus = Stripe::Customer.create(card: card_token)
card = cus.cards.data.first
expect(card.last4).to eq("9191")
expect(card.exp_year).to eq(1984)
To enable debug messages:
This will only last for the session; Once you call StripeMock.stop
or StripeMock.stop_client
debug will be toggled off.
If you always want debug to be on (it's quite verbose), you should put this in a before
Miscellaneous Features
You may have noticed that all generated Stripe ids start with test_
. If you want to remove this:
# Turns off test_ prefix
StripeMock.global_id_prefix = false
# Or you can set your own
StripeMock.global_id_prefix = 'my_app_'
- Cover all stripe urls/methods
- Throw useful errors that emulate Stripe's requirements
- For example: "You must supply either a card or a customer id" for
- For example: "You must supply either a card or a customer id" for
- Fingerprinting for other resources besides Cards
Developing stripe-ruby-mock
To run the tests:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rspec
$ bundle exec rspec -t live # Runs certain tests against Stripe's servers
Patches are welcome and greatly appreciated! If you're contributing to fix a problem, be sure to write tests that illustrate the problem being fixed. This will help ensure that the problem remains fixed in future updates.
Copyright (c) 2013 Gilbert
See LICENSE.txt for details.