
Automatically refine Python code to meet specified objectives.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



GeneticML is a Python project aimed at automatically refining Python code to meet a specified objective. The project uses a large language model to make incremental improvements in the code base and evaluates the changes in a continual testing cycle until the objective is met or found to be unachievable.

Example Run

(base) C:\Projects\geneticML>python geneticML/main.py

🤖: Do you want to restart the configuration? [y/n]: y
🤖: Please specify the objective:
Program that returns the latest stock price of Apple

🤖: Please specify the expected result for this objective:

2023-08-29 08:14:47.725 | INFO     | code_manager:initialize_dynamic_main:109 - Initialized dynamic_main\dynamic_main.py
2023-08-29 08:15:02.087 | INFO     | code_manager:make_improvements:187 - File: dynamic_main\dynamic_main.py, Action: edit
2023-08-29 08:15:12.289 | INFO     | code_manager:objective_is_met:282 - Objective Result:
2023-08-29 08:15:12.293 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:69 - Got the following result: An error occurred: 'regularMarketPrice'
2023-08-29 08:15:12.295 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:70 - Got the following error: None
2023-08-29 08:15:12.297 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:75 - Objective not met. Making improvements.
2023-08-29 08:15:20.781 | INFO     | code_manager:make_improvements:187 - File: dynamic_main\dynamic_main.py, Action: edit
2023-08-29 08:15:35.007 | INFO     | code_manager:objective_is_met:282 - Objective Result:
2023-08-29 08:15:35.011 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:69 - Got the following result: An error occurred: 'regularMarketPrice'
2023-08-29 08:15:35.013 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:70 - Got the following error: None
2023-08-29 08:15:35.014 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:75 - Objective not met. Making improvements.
2023-08-29 08:15:54.276 | INFO     | code_manager:make_improvements:187 - File: dynamic_main\dynamic_main.py, Action: edit
2023-08-29 08:16:12.422 | INFO     | code_manager:objective_is_met:282 - Objective Result:
2023-08-29 08:16:12.427 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:69 - Got the following result: The key regularMarketPrice does not exist in the stock info.
2023-08-29 08:16:12.428 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:70 - Got the following error: None
2023-08-29 08:16:12.430 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:75 - Objective not met. Making improvements.
2023-08-29 08:16:27.668 | INFO     | code_manager:make_improvements:187 - File: dynamic_main\dynamic_main.py, Action: edit
2023-08-29 08:16:40.479 | INFO     | code_manager:objective_is_met:282 - Objective Result:
2023-08-29 08:16:40.484 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:69 - Got the following result: 180.19000244140625
2023-08-29 08:16:40.486 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:70 - Got the following error: None
2023-08-29 08:16:40.488 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:75 - Objective not met. Making improvements.
2023-08-29 08:16:55.037 | INFO     | code_manager:make_improvements:187 - File: dynamic_main\dynamic_main.py, Action: edit
2023-08-29 08:17:08.441 | INFO     | code_manager:objective_is_met:282 - Objective Result:
2023-08-29 08:17:08.446 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:69 - Got the following result: 180.19
2023-08-29 08:17:08.448 | INFO     | __main__:main_loop:70 - Got the following error: None
2023-08-29 08:17:08.450 | SUCCESS  | __main__:main_loop:72 - Objective met. Exiting program.


  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/jroakes/GeneticML.git
  2. Navigate into the project directory.

    cd GeneticML
  3. Install the required packages.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Directory Structure

|-- config.json
|-- requirements.txt
|-- src\
|   |-- main.py
|   |-- code_manager.py
|   |-- dependency_manager.py
|   |-- interaction_manager.py
|   |-- session_manager.py
|   |-- taxonomyml_interface.py
|   |-- utils\
|       |-- constants.py
|       |-- file_operations.py
|       |-- prompts.py
|       |-- string_operations.py
|-- dynamic_main\

Main Components


This is the entry point for the application. It orchestrates the entire program logic including session management, user interaction, and code improvement cycles.

  • initialize_dynamic(objective: str): Initializes the dynamic environment.
  • maybe_restart_config(): Checks if the user wants to restart the configuration.
  • main_loop(): Main processing loop.

For more details, see main.py.


Manages the code generation, evaluation, and improvements.


Manages all user interactions, including collecting the objective and any necessary permissions.


Manages session data and config.


Interface to the large language model for code improvements.


Utility functions and constants.

How to Run

  1. Set your OpenAI key.


    or windows

  2. Run main.py.

    python geneticML/main.py


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
