
Logentries agent

Primary LanguagePython

Logentries agent

A command line utility for a convenient access to logentries logging

How to use

usage: le COMMAND [ARGS]

Where COMMAND is one of:
  init      Write local configuration file
  reinit    As init but does not reset undefined parameters
  register  Register this host
    --name=  name of the host
    --hostname=  hostname of the host
  whoami    Displays settings for this host
  monitor   Monitor this host
  follow <filename>  Follow the given log
    --name=  name of the log
    --type=  type of the log
  followed <filename>  Check if the file is followed
  clean     Removes configuration file
  ls        List internal filesystem and settings: <path>
  rm        Remove entity: <path>
  pull      Pull log file: <path> <when> <filter> <limit>

Where ARGS are:
  --help            show usage help and exit
  --version         display version number and exit
  --account-key=    set account key and exit
  --host-key=       set local host key and exit, generate key if key is empty
  --no-timestamps   no timestamps in agent reportings
  --force           force given operation
  --ec2eu           assume the host is in EC2 EU region
  --suppress-ssl    do not use SSL with API server
  --yes	            always respond yes