
Standalone executable to read the tags of an EC2 instance

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

AWS ec2-describe-tags as a standalone executable

Written in golang.

Precompiled binary for Linux fully linked and executable on any x86 Linux distro including Alpine Linux.

Precompiled binary for MacOSX



Need to populate fleet's metadata with the instance tags.

  • curl and bash are not enough to read tags
  • Can't install python and awscli on CoreOS
  • Cant wait for Docker to be ready and run a containerised awscli
  • Lazy download of a single executable calls on the CLI works.


wget https://github.com/hmalphettes/go_ec2_describe_tags/release/.../go-ec2-describe-tags
# wget https://github.com/hmalphettes/go_ec2_describe_tags/release/.../go-ec2-describe-tags-macos

chmod +x go-ec2-describe-tags

./go-ec2-describe-tags -access_key=XXX -secret_access_key=YYYYY -region=us-east-1 -instance_id=zzzzzz

# specify the delimiters
./go-ec2-describe-tags -access_key=XXX -secret_access_key=YYYYY -region=us-east-1 -instance_id=zzzzzz -kv_delim='->' -p_delim=';'

Environment variables for default values:

  • Access key and secret key defaults to environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  • Region default to the environment variable AWS_REGION

Usage on an EC2 instance

When executed on an EC2 instance the flag -query_meta=true will query the metadata service to discover the region and instance_id:

wget https://github.com/hmalphettes/go-ec2-describe-tags/releases/download/v0.0.1/go-ec2-describe-tags
chmod +x go-ec2-describe-tags
./go-ec2-describe-tags -access_key=XXX -secret_access_key=YYYYY -query_meta=true -p_delim=,