
Just a repo of how I organize and test genservers

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

How I test and layout genservers

Set up and run tests & type checks

I tested a few different ways:

DocTests on the public API of the GenServer (lib/project.ex)

I like to consider my modules in the public API's directory to be "semi private" and test from the public interface.

I use dependency injection to put in the state, and I start a named instances of the GenServer for test isolation so tests can be async.

This validates the public API works as documented.

ExUnit tests on the public API test/tgs/project_test.exs

Similar to the tests in DocTest, but I use the exunit test ID as the genserver name.

This lets you have more involved tests that via DocTest, but then it doesn't validate the documentation. YMMV.

*DocTests on the functional logic of the GenServer (lib/tgs/project/logic.ex)

I don't like this since its a "semi private" model, but some people appreciate the functional tests without involving a genserver.

How I layout GenServers

  • lib/project.ex - Public API for the genserver
  • lib/project/logic.ex - The business logic of the feature
  • lib/project/repository.ex - The struct and type for the state of the genserver
  • lib/project/server.ex - The genserver callback code

I consider any genserver callback a smell if its more than a single line of code, because all of the logic should be in logic.ex, except when doing a mutating handle_call/3.

mix deps.get

mix test --cover
mix dialyzer

Interact w/ project storage

Run iex -S mix:

{:ok, project} = Tgs.Project.start_link()
Tgs.Project.create_project(project, "my project")