
Crossplatform Chip 8 Emulator and Assembler in C

Primary LanguageC

   ______ _______ _______ ______ ______
  |      |   |   |_     _|   __ |  __  |
  |   ---|       |_|   |_|    __|  __  |
  |______|___|___|_______|___|  |______|   
      e   m   u   l   a   t   o   r

      b y : j u s t i n  o b l a k

usage: chip8 [path/to/file.ch8]

T E S T  G A M E
0xF (V) to start countdown
0xF (V) to fire
Fire before the computer does (easy)

usage: ch8asm [path/to/asm.ch8asm]
results: out.ch8 file in directory

asm parser rules:
- up to 30 characters per line
- comments allowed (parser ignores anything after commands)
- data sections indicated by .data:
- data section values separated by commas
- last data section value must have comma


CLS                   // 200
LDI 206               // 202
JP 210                // 204
.data FF,90,90,90,F0, // 209
.data FF,90,90,90,F0, // 20f
LD 0, 3               // 210
LD 1, 3               // 212
DRW 0, 1, 5           // 214
LDKP 0                // 216

asm commands:
CLS - Clear screan
RET - Return from subroutine
JP nnn - Jump to address nnn
CALL nnn - Call subroutine at nnn
SE Vx, byte - Skip next instruction if Vx = byte
SNE Vx, byte - Skip next instruction if Vx != byte
SER Vy, Vy - Skip (Register) next instruction if Vx = Vy
LD Vx, byte - Load; set Vx = byte
ADD Vy, byte - Add Vy = Vx + byte
LDR Vx, Vy - Lost (Register) Vx = Vy
OR Vx, Vy - Vx = Vx | Vy
AND Vx, Vy - Vx = Vx & Vy
XOR Vx, Vy - Vx = Vx ^ Vy
ADDR Vx, Vy - ADD (register) Vx = Vx + Vy
SUB Vx, Vy - SUB Vx = Vx - Vy
SHR Vx, Vy - Vx = Vx >> 1
SUBR Vx, Vy - Vx = Vy - Vx
SHL Vx, Vy - Vx << 1
SNER Vx, Vy -  Skip not equal (register) if Vx != Vy
LDI nnn - Load (I) - sets I to address nnnn
JPO nnn 0 Jump (offset) - Jumps to address nnn + V0
RND Vx, byte - Vx = random byte & Vx mask
DRW Vx, Vy, nibble - Draws nibble-sized sprite pointed to by I at Vx, Vy
SKP Vx - Skip if key stored in Vx is pressed
SKNP Vx - Skip if key stored in Vx is not pressed
LDRD Vx - Load (R = D) - Vx = DT
LDKP Vx - Load Keypress - wait for a keypress, then store it in Vx
LDDR Vx - Load (D = R) - DT = Vx
LDST Vx - Load (ST) - ST = Vx
ADDI Vx - Add (I) I = Vx + I
LDC Vx - Load (character) -  Set I to the address of the sprite in Vx
LDBR Vx - Store BCD rep of Vx in I, I+1, and I+2
LDIR Vx - Load (I = R) - Store registers V0 through Vx into memory starting at I
LDRI Vx - Load (R = I) - Load registers V0 through Vx from memory starting at I