Binding to mixpanel
This plugin provides function that give the opportunity to use "Mixpanel" in your ocalm projects.
Mixpanel is a product analytics tool that enables you to capture data on how users interact with your digital product. Mixpanel then lets you analyze this product data with simple, interactive reports that let you query and visualize the data with just a few clicks.
You can use opam by pinning the repository with:
opam pin add mixpanel
to compile your project, use:
dune build @install
Finally, install the cordova plugin "mixpanel" with:
cordova plugin add mixpanel
You can use this function to know if the object "Mixpanel" is available in your project, it is recommended tu use it before to call the functions that depend on the server Mixpanel, it indicate if Mixpanel is unavailable.
This function initializes a new instance of the Mixpanel tracking object. All new instances are added to the main mixpanel object as sub properties (such as mixpanel.library_name) and also returned by this function.\n Source: mixpanel API
The optional argument "config" in an object of type "config", all it's optional argument represent a config name and the value of the configuration option we want to override. Example:
let token = "new token" in
let config =
Mixpanel.config ~cookiesName:"Cookies"
|_ -> print_endline "Hello World")
let name = "library_name" in
Mixpanel.init ~token ~config ~name
See the default config options
The type "Properties.t" is an associative array of properties to store about the use (for example "{'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': 21}"), this type is used for several function arguments. You can create a "Properties.t" object with the function "Properties.create" that can convert a list of (string * string) into a "Properties.t" object:
let props = [("Gender", "Male");("Age", "21")] in
let properties = Mixpanel.create props
The main function of this plugin is "track", like its name suggest, it track an event and send it to the "Mixpanel" server, where it could be analyzed later.
The optional argument "properties" is an object of type "Properties.t". The optional argument "options" in an object of type "track_opt" that can have 2 value "Transport" or "Send_Immediately"
Mixpanel.track ~event:"Registered" ~properties ()
Mixpanel.track ~event:"Registered" ~properties:(Mixpanel.create [("Gender", "Male");("Age", "21")]) ()
The optionnal argument "callback" represent a function that will be executed at the end of the "track". The function that we gave in argument take an argument of type "Ojs.t", it represents the value returned by the execution of "Mixpanel.track". "Mixpanel.track" return either a boolean "false" if the track failed of an object if it suceed, so the function given in "callback" takes an object "Ojs.t" to represent that. You can use the function "Ojs.type_of_payload" to identify the type of the value returned:
Mixpanel.track ~event:"Event name" ~properties
~callback:(function payload ->
if String.equal (Ojs.type_of payload)
"boolean" then print_endline "Track
else print_endline "Track Succeed")
This function returns the current "distinct id" of the user.
get_distinct_id() can only be called after the Mixpanel library has finished loading. You can handle this automatically in init() with the "~loaded" parametter of "config". For exemple, we can see bellow a case were "distinct_id" is set after the mixpanel library has finish loaded \n
Mixpanel.init ~token:"YOUR PROJECT TOKEN"
~config:( Mixpanel.config
~loaded: (function mixpanel ->
distinct_id = mixpanel.get_distinct_id()))
\n Source: mixpanel API