Word Frequency

Simple Java/Maven project that read files from input, parse them looking for frequency of words in each file, and then output the result in files inside the output folder.

Pre-requisites, configurations, and how to run it

Pre-requisites: Java SE Development Kit 8, Maven, and GitHub account.

Step 1) Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/jrodolfo/wordfrequency

Step 2) Check the files inside the resources/input folder - this is the place where you should put your files

Step 3) If you have a stop word file, include it inside folder resources/stopwords

Step 4) Configure the file wordfrequency.properties based on the files from steps 2 and 3.

Step 5) Run App.main()

Step 6) Check the results inside the folder output

To do

  1. Add unit tests
  2. Add instructions to run the app from command line