
A simple command line tool for sending single emails via Mailgun's API interface

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a simple command line tool for sending emails via Mailgun's API. 

    - Mailgun account, API key and Domain
    - Ruby @2.6.6+

This excellent tutorial will help you: 
    - Setup MacOS's Developer Tools
    - Install Homebrew
    - Install Git
    - Install RVM (or another software version manager)
    - Install Ruby


Once everything is installed and configured:
    - Clone this repository
    - Navigate to the cloned directory and open it in terminal
    - Install gems 'json' and 'restclient' if you do not have them
    - Make sure the script has executable permissions
    - Execute mailgun_template_cli.rb with the -p option
    - Include a valid JSON payload following the -p option with NO NEWLINE CHARACTERS
    - Payload must be surrounded by single quotes

A valid example payload looks like this:
        "api_key": "YourMailGunAPIKey",
        "domain": "YourMailgunDomain.mailgun.org",
        "from": "Sender Name <mailgun@YourMailgunDomain.mailgun.org>",
        "to": "YourRecipient@domain.com",
        "subject": "A Subject!",
        "body": "<html><body>Email Text (HTML optional)</body></html>",
 But the payload must be collapsed as such:
  '{"api_key": "YourMailGunAPIKey", "domain": "YourMailgunDomain.mailgun.org", "from": "Sender Name <mailgun@YourMailgunDomain.mailgun.org>", "to": "YourRecipient@domain.com", "subject": "A Subject!", "body": "<html><body>Email Text (HTML optional)</body></html>"}'

Once the payload is successfully delivered, your message will be sent shortly. 
If you're using a sandboxed domain, the email will likely land in your spam folder.