Pokemons list with "Load more" button

Build a component that displays a list of Pokemons with a "Load more" button. You can use the free Poke API to retrieve the data.

  • Initially, the component should only show the first 5 items
  • Below the list, there should be a label saying how many items are being displayed from the total - e.g. "Displaying 20 of 567 results"
  • Clicking "Load more" will load another 5 items into the list
  • When the are no more results, the button should no longer be displayed

The styling doesn't matter for this component - just make sure to display the pokemons as <li> elements in a list (ul) and show the name for each.

Make sure to get the unit tests to pass. The tests mock the real API using msw. If you haven't used it before, this is a nice walkthrough.

Getting started

  1. Run npm install
  2. Open the test file: src/__tests__/pokemon-list.test.jsx
  3. Run the tests npm run test
  4. Fix them!


  • replace test("bla") with test.only("bla") to run only that test
  • move the console section with the test results to the right side of the code editor, so it's side by side with the code
  • consider installing the "Jest" VSCode extension to have a better experience running the tests