PDFDrawingView is a lightweight PDF Viewer that has built in functionality for drawing.
- Create a PDF Document using PDFKit.
- Import using CocoaPods or download from here.
- For CocoaPods, here is an example PodFile
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '11.0'
source "https://github.com/jrosen081/PDFDrawingView.git"
target 'YOUR_TARGET_ID' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for drawSecure
pod 'DrawingPDF'
- Use the constructor method.
let pdfDrawer = PDFDrawingView(frame: backgroundView.bounds, document: documentPDF, style: .vertical, delegate: self) //Creates an instance of the view with the PDF being displayed vertically
It is that simple.
A sample project is included to show how to use the PDFDrawingView.
- Normal Drawing
- Highlighting
- Erasing
- Adding text boxes and being able to move and resize them.
- Moving different lines and zooming with the lasso tool.
- Apple Pencil compatible, with force changing the lines being drawn
- The PDF can be displayed either vertically or horizontally.
- Making a new PDF with the drawing on it.
- There is a struct which has all of the options.
public struct DrawingKeys{
public static let draw = "draw"
public static let scroll = "scroll"
public static let highlight = "highlight"
public static let text = "text"
public static let erase = "erase"
public static let lasso = "lasso"
- Here is how to tell the view what to do
pdfDrawer.drawingKey = PDFDrawingView.DrawingKeys.draw //Will have the view draw
- To change the color of drawing and highlighting, do the following:
pdfDrawer.drawingColor = UIColor.red //Changes the drawing color to red
pdfDrawer.highlightColor = UIColor.yellow //Changes the highlight color to yellow
- There is an enum that has the options
public enum DrawingStyle {
case vertical
case horizontal
- Pass in the style into the constructor.
- It displays the PDF vertically by default if you do not give it a value
- There is a method in PDFDrawingView that will return the data for the PDF
let pdfData = self.pdfDrawer.createPDF()
- If you then want to save it locally, use the built-in method for PDFDocuments
let updatedDocument = PDFDocument(data: pdfData)
updatedDocument?.write(to: "SAMPLE_PATH")
- The page has changed
- The view was created
extension DrawViewController: PDFDelegate{
func scrolled(to page: Int) {
self.currentPageNumber = page
func viewWasCreated() {