
PDFDrawingView is a lightweight PDF Viewer that has built in functionality for drawing.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


PDFDrawingView is a lightweight PDF Viewer that has built in functionality for drawing.

How to Use:

  1. Create a PDF Document using PDFKit.
  2. Import using CocoaPods or download from here.
  • For CocoaPods, here is an example PodFile
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '11.0'
source "https://github.com/jrosen081/PDFDrawingView.git"
target 'YOUR_TARGET_ID' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for drawSecure
  pod 'DrawingPDF'
  1. Use the constructor method.
let pdfDrawer = PDFDrawingView(frame: backgroundView.bounds, document: documentPDF, style: .vertical, delegate: self) //Creates an instance of the view with the PDF being displayed vertically

It is that simple.

A sample project is included to show how to use the PDFDrawingView.


  1. Normal Drawing
  2. Highlighting
  3. Erasing
  4. Adding text boxes and being able to move and resize them.
  5. Moving different lines and zooming with the lasso tool.
  6. Apple Pencil compatible, with force changing the lines being drawn
  7. The PDF can be displayed either vertically or horizontally.
  8. Making a new PDF with the drawing on it.

Ways to choose the tool to use

  • There is a struct which has all of the options.
public struct DrawingKeys{
        public static let draw = "draw"
        public static let scroll = "scroll"
        public static let highlight = "highlight"
        public static let text = "text"
        public static let erase = "erase"
        public static let lasso = "lasso"
  • Here is how to tell the view what to do
pdfDrawer.drawingKey = PDFDrawingView.DrawingKeys.draw //Will have the view draw
  • To change the color of drawing and highlighting, do the following:
pdfDrawer.drawingColor = UIColor.red //Changes the drawing color to red
pdfDrawer.highlightColor = UIColor.yellow //Changes the highlight color to yellow

How to decide the display of the PDF

  • There is an enum that has the options
public enum DrawingStyle {
	case vertical
	case horizontal
  • Pass in the style into the constructor.
  • It displays the PDF vertically by default if you do not give it a value

How to create a new PDF with the drawing

  • There is a method in PDFDrawingView that will return the data for the PDF
let pdfData = self.pdfDrawer.createPDF()
  • If you then want to save it locally, use the built-in method for PDFDocuments
let updatedDocument = PDFDocument(data: pdfData)
updatedDocument?.write(to: "SAMPLE_PATH")

Implement the delegate protocol for more information about the PDFDrawingView

The delegate tells you when:

  1. The page has changed
  2. The view was created
extension DrawViewController: PDFDelegate{
    func scrolled(to page: Int) {
        self.currentPageNumber = page
    func viewWasCreated() {