
iOS app that allows user to maintain list of books they desire to read. Utilizes CoreData and CloudSync

Primary LanguageSwift


App Overview

BooksToRead is a simple, TableView driven, iOS application that will help you maintain a list of books that you've acquired but have not yet read. The app allows you to optionally filter the books displayed by a specific genre

Detail On Books

  • Books added to the list have Title, Author Name, Date Acquired and Genre data fields.
  • Books can be sorted by Title, by Author or by Date Acquired.
  • Books can be added by tapping the Add (plus sign) button.
  • Books can be edited by tapping on the row containing the book to be edited.
  • Books can be deleted by swiping right-to-left on the book to be deleted.
  • Books can be sorted by tapping the Sort (up/down arrows) button
    1. Sorting will occur in a circular fashion with each tap of the Sort button
      (Title first, Author second, Date Acquired third then back to title, etc.)
    2. The current sort order is indicated with a single character at the end of the title contained within the parenthesis
      (T) indicates Sorted by Title
      (A) indicates Sorted by Author
      (D) indicates Sorted by Date Acquired<br.

Detail on Genre Filters

  • A Genre entered on a book is automatically added to the list of Filters
  • Genre Filters can be accessed by tapping the Filter (3 horizontally stacked lines) button
  • Genre Filters can be manually added from the Filter tableView but is really unnecessary due to Genre's entered with a book automatically added to the list of Genre Filters.
  • Genre Filters can be manually deleted from the Filter tableView but will automatically be added back if still in use as a Genre for any books
  • Genre Filters are automatically sorted alphabetically
  • Genre Filters can be deleted by swiping right-to-left on the Genre Filter to be deleted
  • The All Genre Filter is automatically added to the list of Genre Filters
  • THE All Genre Filter can not be deleted as it is the "default" Genre Filter
  • Tapping on a Genre Filter will return you to the Book TableView which will now be filtered to ONLY show books belonging to the selected Genre Filter
  • The list of books is initially filtered by "All" genres.

Special Notes

  • BooksToRead utilizes CoreData
    1. This allows the data you enter to persist in a database on your device
  • BooksToRead utilizes CloudKit
    1. This allows you to sync the data in BooksToRead between your various devices
    2. This requires a valid, active, iCloud account that each device must be signed into

NOTE: App icons were generated using the web tool at: https://appicon.co.
NOTE: This .md file was created with the MacDown app on my iMac5K (for creating markdown documents)