
All in one php dev container to use with vscode

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PHP dev container

All in one php dev container to use with vscode

Find it on the docker hub : https://hub.docker.com/r/jrouaix/phpdevcontainer

docker pull jrouaix/phpdevcontainer:latest

Installed in this dev container

  • php
  • node
  • npm
  • composer
  • phpunit (it's confusing when not install as a composer dependency)
  • symfony

To enjoy a working php environment in VSCode

  • copy the project folder content at the root of your repository
  • open your repo in VSCode
  • install the recommended extensions when asked by VSCode

install recommended extensions

  • then VSCode should ask for reopening the folder in dev container
  • click on Reopen in Container

Reopen in container

  • When VSCode reopened in the dev container, you are set to hack with a full php env

All installed versions

What to do with this environment

Create a php file and serve

rm index.php

cat >> index.php << END
    function sayHello(\$name) {
        echo "Hello \$name!";
    sayHello('world' . \$number);

php -S

Composer setup & Run some unit tests

There already is some composer.json default file and src/Email.php & test/EmailTest.php examples.

COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer install
composer dump-autoload
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests

Or (if you reopen this dev container)

COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update

More reading