221 Data Curation and Management Reddit r/TheRedPill

This repository contains the code that we have used in our project so far.

Our zenodo link available here contains all of the datasets used between analysis files. The files were too large to be hosted directly on github.

trp_data_grabber.ipynb contains the API calls to collect the data from the Pushshift Archive and outputs the trp_submissions and trp_comments json objects.

clean_data_initial takes in trp_comments.json and returns the filtered_comments_json.

analysis_RQ1.ipynb creates the visualizations to answer the first research question.

clean_data_RQ2 takes in the filtered_comments.json as well as the lexicon dictionaries courtesy of: Farrell, Tracie; Fernandez, Miriam; Novotny, Jakub and Alani, Harith (2019). Exploring Misogyny across the Manosphere in Reddit. In: WebSci '19 Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, pp. 87–96. http://oro.open.ac.uk/61128/1/WebScience139.pdf. Their github is available here. The notebook returns the comments_rq2.json file.

analysis_RQ1.ipynb creates the visualizations to answer the first research question. analysis_RQ2.ipynb creates the visualizations to answer the second research question.

The order to run files is as follows:

  1. trp_data_grabber.ipynb
  2. clean_data_initial.ipynb
  3. analysis_RQ1.ipynb
  4. clean_data_RQ2.ipynb
  5. analysis_RQ2.ipynb