This module provides ngUpgrade integration with UI-Router, enabling routing to both Angular 1 and Angular 2 Components (and/or templates).
Your app will be hosted on Angular 1 while you incrementally upgrade it to Angular 2.
With ui-router-ng1-to-ng2
, you can use either an Angular 1 or Angular 2 component as a view in your state definitions.
import { Ng2AboutComponentClass } from "./about.ng2.component";
/// ...
name: 'home',
url: '/home',
component: 'ng1HomeComponent' // ng1 component or directive name
name: 'about',
url: '/about',
component: Ng2AboutComponentClass // ng2 component class reference
name: 'other',
url: '/other',
template: '<h1>Other</h1>', // ng1 template/controller
controller: function($scope) { /* do stuff */ }
When routing to an ng2 component, that ng2 component uses the standard
ng2 directives (ui-view and uiSref) from ui-router-ng2
See the hybrid sample app for a full example.
Add @angular
, ui-router-ng2
, and ui-router-ng1-to-ng2
to your package.json
in addition to the existing angular-ui-router
dependencies: {
"@angular/common": "~2.0.1",
"@angular/compiler": "~2.0.1",
"@angular/core": "~2.0.1",
"@angular/platform-browser": "~2.0.1",
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~2.0.1",
"@angular/upgrade": "~2.0.1",
"angular-ui-router": "^1.0.0-beta.3",
"ui-router-ng2": "^1.0.0-beta.3",
"ui-router-ng1-to-ng2": "^1.0.12",
Switch your app from bootstrapping using ng-app
to using the ngUpgrade
manual bootstrap
// Add 'ui.router.upgrade' to your ng1 app module's depedencies
let ng1module = angular.module("myApp", [uiRouter, 'ui.router.upgrade']);
// Create an Angular 2 root NgModule
// import the Ng1ToNg2Module
imports: [ BrowserModule, Ng1ToNg2Module ]
}) class SampleAppModule {}
// Create an upgrade adapter instance
import {UpgradeAdapter} from '@angular/upgrade';
let upgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(SampleAppModule);
// Supply ui-router-ng1-to-ng2 with the upgrade adapter
import {uiRouterNgUpgrade} from "ui-router-ng1-to-ng2";
// Manually bootstrap the app with the Upgrade Adapter (instead of ng-app)
upgradeAdapter.bootstrap(document.body, ['myApp']);
Register states using either Angular 1 or Angular 2 code.
Use component:
in your state declaration.
var leaf = {
name: '',
url: '/leaf',
component: MyNg2CommponentClass
imports: [
states: [featureState1, featureState2]
declarations: [FeatureComponent1, FeatureComponent2]
export class MyFeatureModule {}
Add the feature module to the root NgModule imports
// import the Ng1ToNg2Module
imports: [ BrowserModule, Ng1ToNg2Module, MyFeatureModule ]
}) class SampleAppModule {}
Note: You can also add states directly to the root NgModule using UIRouterModule.forChild
// import the Ng1ToNg2Module and create a UIRouter "child module"
imports: [
UIRouterModule.forChild({ states: NG2_STATES })
declarations: [NG2_COMPONENTS]
}) class SampleAppModule {}
We currently support creating a <ui-view>
in an Angular 1 view,
then routing to Angular 1 or Angular 2 components inside that angular 1 ui-view
We do not (yet) support creating a nested ui-view
in Angular 2, then routing to an angular 1 component.
Once an Angular 2 component has been routed to, any <ui-view>
inside the Angular 2 component can only be
targeted by other Angular 2 components.
Because of this, apps should be migrated starting from leaf states/views and work up towards the root state/view.