
A site providing interesting experiences and places about the city. Basically its a tool to explore the city but key is experience, mood etc

Primary LanguageHTML

This website is meant for exploring places of city based on user’s suggestion.

When we visit a new place, and even the same place where we are living, we want to explore which interesting things are surrounding us, so that we can make our experience better. So what do we do? We google “bar nearby Bangalore” and we got large no. of results which makes us more miserable. Which is a better place to hangout, we got confused. We go for ratings and usually more famous places have high stars, but that doesn’t mean you should go for that. Ex- Oval bar in Mantri mall, having high rating may not solve your purpose, may be price is high due to high star mall. The solution is direct user experience.

So here comes our website… A site providing interesting experiences and places about the city. These experiences are shared by users related to the place in a particular city. They can tag their experience with funny. hangover, dance etc. When a new user come, he will search for the city, and the results showing experiences related to places in that city will be shown. So a user can choose the place according to his mood and taste. He can also share about his experience and another place and things go on.

So basically it is a tool to explore the city but key is experience, mood etc.