
I named this PHP project "elgoog" i.e reverse "google" due to its functionality. Usually in Google search engine we provide a keyword or phrase and it gives us results having those keywords. But here we provide a URL and it will give us the keywords in that url page.

Primary LanguagePHP


Language - PHP
Server - WAMP
Tools - Netbeans 6.9.1 and Aptana Studio 3.0
Status - incomplete
Home page =  jyoti.debiprasad.net
Blog - http://jyotiranjanpattnaik.wordpress.com/category/extraction-of-keyword-from-a-web-page-url/

Description -

I named this  PHP project  "elgoog" i.e reverse "google" due to its functionality.
Usually in Google search engine we provide a keyword or phrase and it gives us results having those keywords.
But here we provide a URL and it will give us the keywords in that url page, in short "Extraction of keyword from a web page URl"

PHp curl is used in this project. So curl should be enabled before working in this project

Till now, what have been done?
currently we are able to get keywords which are free from HTML tags, scripts, styles, unwanted characters like punctuations,
 symbols, numbers, stop words and unwanted words.

You can read more about this project and work in the blog mentioned above.

TO DO List -

1. We have to get keywords which are meaningful, grammatically wrong keywords should be removed.
2. We have to filter only highly possible keywords among all the words getting now.
3. We have to make it a web service.
