
A React todo list app built so I can practice using hooks :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To-Do List, Now with Hooks!

Since we didn't learn about functional components and hooks as part of the Flatiron curriculum, but were told that hooks and functional components are the way React is headed, I've decided to take some time to learn about this stuff on my own. This is just a basic to-do app, but instead of using class components to handle state, I'm using functional components and the useState hook.

I found the tutorial for this app here: https://www.educative.io/blog/react-hooks-tutorial-todo-list

Feel free to clone this repo to practice with hooks yourself!

Some upgrades you could make:

  • Add the ability to create due dates or priority rating
  • Add the ability to sort by due date or priority rating
  • Add a backend or figure out how to persist your to-do list
  • Add styling...I hear there's support for TailwindCSS built into create-react-app now!
  • Employ the Context API by using the useContext hook instead of local state and props


Built with create-react-app 5 React 17.0.2