
Demo of GosWebSocketBundle

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

GosWebSocketBundle Demo

This is a demo application based on a stripped down version of the Symfony website skeleton. To test this demo:

  • Clone this repository to your test server (git clone git@github.com:GeniusesOfSymfony/WebsocketAppDemo.git)
  • Enter the directory where you cloned this demo app (i.e. cd WebsocketAppDemo)
  • Optional: Check out the branch you wish to use (1.x for GosWebSocketBundle 1.x and master for GosWebSocketBundle 2.x)
  • Run composer install to install all dependencies
  • Start the websocket server with the php bin/console gos:websocket:server command
  • Visit the app's homepage in your browser
  • Check the browser's console log