Rover Mars API Documentation

This document outlines the API endpoints available in the Rover Mars application, which allows control over a rover's movements on a simulated Mars terrain.


Get Current Rover Position

  • GET /rover
  • Description: Retrieves the current state of the rover.
  • Response: 200 OK
  • Response Body: RoverEntity JSON object.

Move Rover

  • POST /rover
  • Description: Sends a command to move the rover.
  • Request Body: {"command": "F"} where command is one of ["F", "B", "L", "R"].
  • Response: 200 OK on success, 409 CONFLICT if an illegal move is attempted.
  • Response Body: RoverEntity JSON object on success, ErrorResponse JSON object on error.

Get Last Created Map

  • GET /map
  • Description: Retrieves the last created map.
  • Response: 200 OK
  • Response Body: MapEntity JSON object wrapped in an Optional.

Create Map

  • POST /map
  • Description: Creates a new map with specified dimensions.
  • Request Body: {"width": 16, "height": 16}
  • Response: 200 OK on success, 400 BAD REQUEST on invalid dimensions.
  • Response Body: MapEntity JSON object on success, error message on error.

Create Obstacle

  • POST /obstacle
  • Description: Places a new obstacle on the map.
  • Request Body: {"x": 3, "y": 5, "mapId": 1}
  • Response: 200 OK on success, 404 NOT FOUND if map does not exist, 400 BAD REQUEST if coordinates are invalid, 409 CONFLICT if an obstacle already exists at the location.
  • Response Body: ObstacleEntity JSON object on success, error message on error.

Find Obstacles By Map ID

  • GET /obstacle/{mapId}
  • Description: Retrieves all obstacles for the given map ID.
  • Response: 200 OK
  • Response Body: List of ObstacleEntity JSON objects.

Error Handling

All endpoints return an ErrorResponse object in the case of an error, with a message detailing the nature of the error.

UI Representation

Rover Mars Interface Rover Mars Interface

The above screenshot shows the interface of the Rover Mars application, with controls to command the rover and visual feedback on the map.