
Aloha: a distributed task scheduling and management framework

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Aloha is a distributed task scheduling and management framework, which can be easily extended, so you can use Aloha to manage various types of tasks. A typical scenario is using Aloha as a unified task management portal. For example, various types of applications, such as Spark tasks, Flink tasks, ETL tasks, etc., are usually submitted on the big data platform. It is necessary to manage these tasks in a unified manner.

The basic implementation of Aloha is based on Spark's scheduling module. We have made some modifications to the Master and Worker components and provided an extension interface so you can easily integrate various types of applications. The Master supports high availability configuration and has state recovery mechanism.

By the way, we separated the RPC module from Spark and rewrote the underlying transport module using Scala. The concept of the RPC module is similar as Akka, which is a pretty suitable for studying how RPC works inside distributed system.

0. Dependency

  • Java 1.8+
  • Maven 3.x
  • Scala 2.11 (Will be downloaded automatically by maven)

1. How to run


mvn clean package -DskipTests

Copy assembly/target/aloha-assembly_2.11-1.0-dist.tar.gz into a directory and unzip it. Update the configuration files in the conf directory as needed.

Start master

bash sbin/aloha-daemon.sh start master -h -p 1234

Check the log file in ALOHA_LOG_DIR, make sure master started successfully.

Start worker

bash sbin/aloha-daemon.sh start worker -h aloha://

Check the worker's log file, and you can see something like this:

Successfully registered with master aloha://

Submit tasks via REST api

By default, when master started, it will start a REST service listening on port 6066. So you can submit tasks through REST api.

There is an example of Aloha Application in example-app module. Copy exapmle-app-1.0.jar to the $ALOHA_HOME/application directory, and replace the contents of libs in the following command with the corresponding path, submit the task:

curl -X POST \
-d '{"action":"CreateSubmissionRequest","name":"test","entryPoint":"me.jrwang.app.SimpleProcess","libs":["/path/to/aloha/application"],"args":"i=0; while [ $i -le 10 ]; do echo $i; ((i++)); sleep 1; done","cores":1,"memory":256}' \

The applicationId is included in the response, which can be further used to query task status or kill the task.

Query task status:


Kill the task:

curl -X POST

After the task is completed, check the corresponding file in the $ALOHA_WORKER_DIR directory, you can see the output of the task.

2. How to extend Aloha application


Aloha was originally designed to manage long-running tasks such as Flink tasks and Spark Streaming tasks, so Aloha abstracts the tasks it manages into Application interfaces. The life cycle of the Application is managed by start() and shutdown() method. When application is scheduled to a worker, the start() method is call first. When user quest to kill the application, shutdown() method is called.

trait Application {
  def start(): Promise[ExitState]

  def shutdown(reason: Option[String]): Unit

  def withDescription(desc: ApplicationDescription): Application

  def withApplicationDir(appDir: File): Application

  def withAlohaConf(conf: AlohaConf): Application

  def clean(): Unit

Notice that the return value of the start() method is a Promise object. When application is stopped, notify the worker by calling the Promise.success() method.

It is recommended to add new type of Application by extending AbstractApplication or ApplicationWithProcess. If your application is launched by starting a new process, use ApplicationWithProcess. You can find an example in example-app.


In many cases, we want to monitor the application's status as soon as possible. For example, when application failed, you may want to send a notification to the user. Aloha provides the listener interface, so you can respond to application's state change in a timely manner.

trait AlohaEventListener {
  def onApplicationStateChange(event: AppStateChangedEvent): Unit

  def onApplicationRelaunched(event: AppRelaunchedEvent): Unit

  def onOtherEvent(event: AlohaEvent): Unit

Set aloha.extraListeners=class.name.of.Listener1,class.name.of.Listener1 in the configuration file to load customize event listeners.

3. Configuration

Aloha's load default configuration from aloha-default.conf file, you can specify configuration file using --properties-file file when start Aloha. The parameters can also be set in VM options like:

-Daloha.XXX.XXX=XX -Daloha.XXX.XXX=XXX
Configuration Dafault Description
aloha.extraListeners None Class names of listeners to add to Master during initialization.
aloha.deploy.recoveryMode NONE The recovery mode setting to recover when Aloha failed and relaunches. Set to FILESYSTEM to enable single-node recovery mode, or set to ZOOKEEPER to use zookeeper based recovery.
aloha.deploy.recoveryDirectory /tmp/recovery When aloha.deploy.recoveryMode is set to FILESYSTEAM, this configuration is used to set the directory in which Aloha will store recovery state, accessible from the Master's perspective.
aloha.deploy.zookeeper.url None When aloha.deploy.recoveryMode is set to ZOOKEEPER, this configuration is used to set the zookeeper URL to connect to.
aloha.deploy.zookeeper.dir /aloha When aloha.deploy.recoveryMode is set to ZOOKEEPER, this configuration is used to set the zookeeper directory to store recovery state.
aloha.master.rest.enabled false Enable/Disable submitting job to cluster via REST API.
aloha.master.rest.port 6066 The port REST server bounded to when REST server started.

4. Acknowledgement

The development of Aloha is inspired by Spark. Aloha with Apache 2.0 Open Source License retains all copyright, trademark, author’s information from Spark.