
Command your Radarr and Sonarr applications via Discord

Primary LanguageGo


Use Discord to manage your Radarr and Sonarr applications


  • search <title> (for new media)
  • clear (remove messages if there's too much clutter)
  • add <tmdb-id-or-tvdb-id> to be monitored
  • quality to retrieve avilable quality profiles
  • library display wanted or downloaded movie/shows
  • discover show recommended movies
  • folders to retrieve avilable root folders
  • set-quality <profile-id> to set quality profile to make a valid add request
  • set-folder <folder-path-or-id> to set folder path make a valid add request


  • Install the latest Go compiler
  • clone this project
  • run go mod init in project folder
  • run go build -o shart
  • run ./shart -token <discord-token> -radarr-url -radarr-key abc123 -sonarr-url -sonarr-key abc123

To get a discord token go to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me

  • click New App
  • fill out required information
  • click save
  • click create a bot user
  • click on generate oauth2 url
  • check send messages and manage messages
  • copy and go to url
  • authorize bot to access your discord server
  • go back to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me
  • click on token to retrieve discord token


Simply pull the docker image from docker hub

docker pull jrudio/shart


  • run docker run -d jrudio/shart -token abc123 -radarr-url -sonarr-url -radarr-key abc123 -sonarr-key abc123

Build Image Yourself (BIY)

  • clone this repo onto target machine
  • make sure you're in the repo directory
  • run docker build -t jrudio/shart .
  • run docker run -d jrudio/shart -token abc123 -radarr-url -sonarr-url -radarr-key abc123 -sonarr-key abc123


  • use docker-compose for an easy startup
  • edit docker-compose.yml to match your discord/sonarr/radarr url and api key
  • run docker-compose up -d shart


This bot will respond to the trigger word shart

if you would like to search for movies use: shart search movie sicario

the bot will respond with:

Here are your search results for sicario:
    - Sicario 2015 (273481)
    - Sicario 1994 (95700)
    - Sicario: Day of the Soldado 2018 (400535)

use the id in parenthesis to add that movie

shart add movie 400535

you must set a default quality profile id and root folder path for both radarr and sonarr

shart set-quality movie 3

shart set-quality show 4

shart set-folder movie 3 or shart set-folder movie /home/user1/movies

shart set-folder show 2 or shart set-folder show /home/user1/shows

otherwise you will get both of these errors:

aborting... a root folder path must be set

aborting... a profile quality must be set

once you set those adding a movie will give you a success message: successfully added Sicario: Day of the Soldado - (2018)


Build a binary with versioning

go build -i -v -ldflags="-X main.version=$(git describe --always --long --dirty)" -o shart