
Analyze recipes using Pandas

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook Lesson

This is an exercise that corresponds to a lesson on using Jupyter notebooks.

This notebook demonstrates how to use Pandas to open a .csv file, and then graph data using Seaborn/Matplotlib libraries.

Recommended Installation Instructions

The iPython notebook can be viewed using many different methods. To view online without installing anything, visit Google Colab and search for this Github repository.

Install locally on a Mac

To run this notebook locally on a Mac, it's recommended to use homebrew to install pyenv and pipenv. This will allow you to run this notebook in a virtual environment.

brew install pyenv

To complete the pyenv setup, you'll need to modify your .bash_profile. The following command will automatically initiate pyenv's shims whenever you crate a new Terminal session.

echo -e 'if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then\n  eval "$(pyenv init -)"\nfi' >> ~/.bash_profile

Restart your Terminal.

Next, add Python 3.6.8 to your available Python versions.

pyenv install 3.6.8

Then, install Pipenv.

brew install pipenv

Lastly, clone/download this repository to your machine, navigate to the folder where you downloaded this repo, and then run:

pipenv shell

Once in the Python virtual environment, install included dependencies.

pipenv install

Run this notebook by launching Jupyter notebook.

jupyter notebook

To exit the shell, type exit.

Credit: Epicurious recipes via Kaggle.