This can be used as a starting point when you want to create a single page app that uses Amazon Web Services. It already includes Facebook login.
Requirements and initial setup:
Setup: npm install && bower install
How to start?
- Get a facebook app id and create a AWS Cognito Identity pool
- Clone this code and put it on your machine or your webspace
- Edit app/js/app.js and find YOUR_APP_ID and replace it with yours
- Edit app/aws-credentials.js with the data from your Cognito identity pool
- Start up your dev enviroment with 'grunt serve'
How to contribute?
I'd love some input from the community. Some tasks I just think of:..
- Store session to persist through refresh..
- Add Google, Amazon, and Twitter login (maybe through satellizer)..
- Externalize facebook app id from app.js (like the AWS credentials via aws-credentials.json)..
Gulp/Grunt buildsystemUpdate some of the testing files after we have more login methods.- Your idea..