
A libgdx port of Benjamin Horn's "Monorun!" javascript game (https://github.com/beije/monorun).

Primary LanguageJava


A libgdx port of Benjamin Horn's Monorun! javascript game, using the Artemis entity system framework.


Download the above libraries and place the relevant files like below to resolve the dependencies:


  • armeabi (libgdx)
  • armeabi-v7a (libgdx)


  • gdx.jar (libgdx)
  • gdx-backend-android.jar (libgdx)
  • gdx-backend-lwjgl-natives.jar (libgdx)
  • gdx-backend-lwjgl.jar (libgdx)
  • gdx-natives.jar (libgdx)
  • gdx-tools.jar (libgdx/extensions/gdx-tools)
  • artemis.jar (artemis)

Also make sure to go to Properties -> Java Build Path -> Order and Export for each project and check the box next to each imported jar file. Also check the box next to Android Private Libraries in the Android project.


  1. Open Eclipse and import all projects as "Existing projects into workspace".
  2. Run monorun-desktop (or android) as a Java application with entry point Main.java.

Note: The desktop app will pack all the textures needed for the game to run - since Eclipse doesn't sync files automatically the app will crash if the files don't exist prior to launching. If so - manually refresh the projects (F5) and run monorun-desktop (or android) again and it should work.


The highscores are submitted and fetched from a remote web API. That means an active internet connection is needed in order to register scores. The checked in URL is pointing to a test server, see the ScoreService class (remove .dev to point to the live API).