
The NYC Restaurant Task

Assume you have a friend who loves Thai food, but refuses to eat at any place with less than a B rating by the Health Department.

  1. Using the language and data store of your choice, create an ETL (Extract, Transform & Load) job to ingest this ~500k rows DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results data set from NYC Open Data (Download Link:
  2. In addition to submitting working code for the ETL job, please include the schema design along with a quick explanation for the choices made.
  3. Using your data store, generate a list of the top 10 Thai restaurants that meet your friend's criteria. You could simply provide a SQL query to answer this, but we prefer that you build a web frontend to answer the question. Bonus points for any additional views of the data, including visualizations (geo, charts, graphs, etc).
  4. Note that we expect working software, not pseudo code. Please publish your code on Github and also deploy your app to a free service like Heroku, Google App Engine, or Flask so that we can see it in action.