
A collection of samples for the Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS Samples

Learn more about the Brightcove Native Player SDKs.

ios-player-samples.git is a collection of sample applications for the Brightcove Player SDKs for iOS and tvOS, organized by subject area. An installation of CocoaPods 1.0.0 or higher is required to download the sample dependencies.


  1. CocoaPods 1.0+
  2. Xcode 8.0+

About CocoaPods

With the release of CocoaPods 1.0.0, the master Podspec repository is no longer updated automatically. To ensure you are using the latest releases of the Brightcove software components, update your Podspec repository before building any of the sample applications by running the following on the command line:

pod repo update

About Xcode 8

The Swift sample apps were developed with Swift 2 and have not yet been updated to Swift 3. When those projects are opened using Xcode 8.2, the user might be prompted to convert the source files to the newest version of the Swift language. Consider choosing to convert Later as conversion to Swift version 3 produces code which does not compile.

A future release of the ios-player-samples will provide updated Swift projects.


Unless otherwise instructed, samples can be run by following these steps:

  1. From the project directory, run pod install.
  2. Open the corresponding .xcworkspace file.
  3. Where the Podfile's pod directives do not specify that a dynamic framework is being installed, there is some additional setup required to build and run the project:
    • Locate the bcovpuiiconfont.ttf file in the Pods/Brightcove-Player-SDK/ios/BrightcovePlayerSDK.framework folder.
    • Add this file to your Xcode project listing so that the font file is copied into the app bundle.
    • In the built app's bundle, the font file should end up at the same level as the app's Info.plist file.
    • The font file supplies some of the BrightcovePlayerUI interface elements, but it does not need to be listed in the plist itself.
  4. There are README.md files in several of the samples that provide additional setup steps that are specific to those examples.

Note: If you intend to use these samples offline, be sure to run Cocoapods before going offline in order to download the required dependencies.



FairPlay samples demonstrate how to use the FairPlay plugin in Swift.


To see an example of using FairPlay with IMA, refer to the FairPlayIMAPlayer sample app in the IMA folder.

A note about the FairPlay sample apps

In both of the FairPlay sample apps, there are references to FairPlayPublisherId and FairPlayApplicationId. These terms refer to FairPlay credentials that Brightcove does not provide, which are instead acquired through Apple directly.


FreeWheel samples demonstrate how to use the FreeWheel plugin.


IMA samples demonstrate how to use the IMA plugin. These are intended to cover use cases like VMAP, VAST, Server Side Ad rules, and advanced ad topics.


Omniture samples demonstrate how to use the Omniture plugin.


OUX samples demonstrate how to use the OUX plugin.


Player samples demonstrate how to use the core SDK. These are intended to cover use cases like custom controls, analytics, and playback.


SidecarSubtitles samples demonstrate how to use the sidecarSubtitles plugin.