
Cython + Keras implementation of FastText language model

Primary LanguagePython


Python implementation for the FastText model implementation developed by Facebook.

Currently we use the compiled binary distributed by Facebook Research -- while this is very efficiently coded, it introduces several difficulties: namely, the implementation introduces some bugs to the batch prediction stage, is highly reliant on repeated string processing and file I/O during training and prediction, cannot be extended into larger models (for example, serialized word embedding are frequently used as an input layer in more complex sequential models), and is CPU-bound for training and prediction.

to that end, we develop a Python implementation of the model, directly building the model in a Tensorflow/Keras network. This gives us greater control over the implementation, allowing easy extension into more complex deep models, and allows GPU training and serving. The model is broken into two major components: the dictionary and the network. Broadly, text (broken into $k$ tokens) can be represented as a $k$-hot vector of size $V$, where $V$ is our chosen vocabulary size. This can be expressed in a denser format by a vector of size $k$, each element $w_i$ containing an index ($w_i \in [0, V-1]$) corresponding to that word. This is then used to learn the dense embedding layer, which represents each word as a dense $d$-dimensional vector: in terms of implementation, the embedding layer represents a $V \times d$ matrix of weights.

The representation of text into the $V$ indices is accomplished by the dictionary stage, with the embedding layer subsequently learned by the network (this allows the same dictionaries/embeddings to be used for different model architectures). Beyond simply tokenizing and indexing the words, the dictionary implemented here allows for both word and character n-grams: that is, we can generate unique elements in the vocabulary for pairs, trios, etc. of contiguous words to capture local semantic information, as well as representing words as a composition of unique tokens for its constituent subwords -- this allows generation of nontrivial vectors for out-of-vocabulary words, as well as encouraging closer vector similarity for compositionally-related words. See here for more details on the implementation.


To build locally from git cloning, run

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

which will build the Cython extensions into importable modules inplace - the package can then be imported (provided the project directory is in the search path) without installing (useful for development purposes). To install,

python setup.py bdist_wheel

will build a Python 3.6-compatible wheel file from the package under the PyFastText/dist/ directory, which can then be installed via pip or uploaded through twine. Alternately,

python setup.py install

will directly install the package into the current environment.


  • documentation compatible with mkdocs
  • unit testing


Vocabulary building is often a lengthy process, requiring building up a large dictionary of tokens. To speed this up, we implement the dictionary in Cython to closely mirror the original C++ implementation used by FastText. Given the training text, the dictionary builds up an indexed vocabulary of terms, storing the word, its constituent subwords, incidence count, and token type (distinguishing words vs. labels for supervised training). These are indexed via a hashing trick: that is, we store two arrays, an indexer array and the words array, and access words via the flow

hash(word) = ix >> indexer[ix] = word_id >> words[word_id] = word

enabling efficient storage and search. In addition to storing the word vocabulary (out to size MAX_VOCAB_SIZE), this also allows indices (up to buckets additional values -- unused indices are stored as -1 to skip mapping to an in-vocabulary word) for word and character n-grams. To build representation vector of a given window of text, the dictionary applies the indices of each token in the vocabulary, as well as the set of subword indices for each word (if applicable). OOV words are represented solely by their component subwords.


from pyfasttext.dictionary import Dictionary
d = Dictionary()

with optional input arguments for bucket size, label prefix, and word/char n-gram behavior. To read from a text file,


which will build the vocabulary. The set of words and labels is accessible via d.get_words() and d.get_labels() respectively (note that the return from get_words is often extremely long!). To process a string text window to a set of indices, run d.get_line(<string to process>). Finally, dictionaries can be saved and loaded via d.save(<save file>) and d.load(<save file>).


  • build discard probability table to support negative sampling loss
  • pruning & quantization support
  • enable vocabulary build task from in-memory or streamed text, rather than read-from-file
  • improve file I/O parse? currently barely better than bare Python speed, is bottleneck.

Network Training


  • hierarchical softmax, negative sampling loss functions
  • ...the rest of the network

Supervised Training


  • helper functions for building supervised training setup


