
Common Ground Co-op web application

Primary LanguagePython

Common Ground (CG) Co-op Web Site

A web application for the Common Ground Housing Co-op.

This repository is a Django (v. 1.6) web application for the Common Ground Co-op web site. It is currently in the requirements gathering and development stage. Feel free to use this for your own housing co-op, or to contribute to the development process.


Assuming you have Django 1.6 installed correctly, the following commands will download the web app, create the database tables, load them with some fake data, and start the live server.:

$ git clone https://github.com/jrwdunham/cghousing.git
$ cd cghousing
$ python manage.py syncdb
$ python manage.py loaddata coop/fixtures/fixtureswithusers.json
$ python manage.py runserver

Voila! Visit to see a bunch of pretend co-op members/occupants. Begin exploring the admin site that Django creates for the co-op model by

This is all standard Django stuff. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/ for details.

  • Public
    • About Us
      • Content ("about us subpage")
      • Picture gallery
      • Video gallery
      • Essays and/or blogs (?)
      • Contact Us (Email, Housing requests, Vendor, email hub)
      • Maps (google, or OpenStreetMap)
  • Private (authentication required, authorization determines access)
    • Board Page (for all governance materials: minutes, policies, etc.)
      • Menu
        • Board minutes
        • Policies, In Force, including amendments
        • Draft policies and amendments
        • Communications
    • Maintenance Site (for all physical plant records, maintenance requests, and disposition (sic))
      • Menu
        • All-member access
          • Unit Database
          • Maintenance Requests
          • Purchase Order Subsystem
          • Inventory
        • Maintenance-only access
          • Discussion
    • Finance (content to be determined)
      • Annual reports (?)
    • Email Hub (for all emailing, including archived email)
      • Email Admin
        • Forms
          • Maintenance request via Email form
          • Housing request via Email form
          • Vendor Email form
          • Other
        • Subsystems - Auto-send email subsystem - Moderated email subsystem
    • Member Page
      • Maintenance request (directs to maintenance page email forms system (?))
      • Upcoming events
      • Member meeting minutes
      • Discussion groups
      • Etc./other
      • Committees
        • Maintenance (to maintenance page)
        • Grounds (to Grounds page)
        • Social (to Social page)
        • Finance (to Finance page)
        • Other (to Other page)
      • Calendar (automated email reminders, events)

Models to start off with:

  • Members
  • Committees
  • Units
  • Pages

These are some ideas for database tables/ models for the application (based on the architecture):

  • Units
  • Members
  • Committees
  • Minutes / Meetings (?)
  • Board minutes
  • Committee minutes
  • Policies (?) Contributions (?, i.e., for keeping track of volunteership and involvement)
  • Maintenance requests
  • Galleries (subtype of pages?)
  • Images
  • Blogs
  • Pages (special and generic pages, markdown)
  • Inventory (?)
  • Purchase orders
  • Member discussion forum
  • Maintenance private discussion forum
  • Annual reports (finance)
  • Communications (?, from board...)
  • Emails (part of db?)
  • Email forms/templates (part of db?)
  • Calendar/Events

I used pyenv (https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv) to install Python 2.7.6:

$ pyenv install 2.7.6

Then I created a virtual Python environment in ~/cg/env/:

$ cd ~/cg
$ virtualenv -p ~/.pyenv/versions/2.7.6/bin/python env

I make sure that python points to my virtual environment in ~/cg/env/ and then I install the latest official version of Django using pip (1.6.5 at the time of writing):

$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install Django

The WebFaction docs are good. See:

  1. Create a new (sub)domain, e.g., "new.cghousing.webfactional.com" (via the webfaction GUI).

  2. Create a new website named, e.g., "cghousing_django" (via the webfaction GUI).

  3. Create two new applications (via the webfaction GUI):

    1. a Django (v. 1.7.7 Python 2.7) app called, e.g., "cghousing_django" and
    2. a static (static only, no .htaccess) app called, e.g., "cghousing_django_static" with a URL like "http://new.cghousing.webfactional.com/static".
  4. Create a PostgreSQL database for the app (via the webfaction GUI), with database name and username being, e.g., "cghousing" and "cghousing_admin", respectively.

  5. Configure Django via SSH. Begin by removing WebFaction's default myproject and downloading cghousing from GitHub:

    ssh cghousing@cghousing.webfactional.com
    cd webapps/cghousing_django
    rm -rf ./myproject
    git clone https://github.com/jrwdunham/cghousing.git
  6. Use your favourite text editor (which, obviously, is vim) to make the following changes to cghousing/cghousing/cghousing/settings.py.

    1. Add our previously created PostgreSQL database to DATABASES.:

      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
      'NAME': 'cghousing',
      'USER': 'cghousing_admin',
      'PASSWORD': '<your_password>',
      'HOST': '',
      'PORT': ''
    2. Add your domain to allowed hosts.:

      ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['new.cghousing.webfactional.com']
    3. Configure the static root.:

      STATIC_ROOT = '/home/cghousing/webapps/cghousing_django_static'
  7. Configure Apache by editing apache2/conf/httpd.conf

    1. Update WSGIDaemonProcess to:

      WSGIDaemonProcess cghousing_django processes=2 threads=12 \
    2. Update WSGIScriptAlias to:

      WSGIScriptAlias / \
  8. Install Django Markdown Deux:

    git clone git://github.com/trentm/django-markdown-deux.git
    cd django-markdown-deux/
    python2.7 setup.py install
    cd ..
    git clone https://github.com/trentm/python-markdown2.git
    cd python-markdown2/
    python2.7 setup.py install
    cd ..
  9. Collect the static files, create the database tables (and create an admin user when prompted), load a fixture, and restart Apache. Done.:

    cd cghousing/cghousing/
    python2.7 manage.py collectstatic
    python2.7 manage.py syncdb
    python2.7 manage.py loaddata coop/fixtures/fixtureswithusers.json
    cd ../..