
REST Simple, with OpenAPI 3.0, on top of Django, very WIP, hopefully functional soon

Primary LanguagePython

Remple: REST Simple

Remple is a simple Python library that helps you to create consistent REST (HTTP JSON) endpoints for arbitrary Django models.


>>> from remple import API, Resources
>>> class Users(Resources):
...     model_cls = User  # A Django model class
...     schema_cls = UserSchema  # A Formencode class
>>> resources = {'user': {'resource_cls': Users}}
>>> api = API(api_version='0.1.0', service_name='User City!')
>>> api.register_resources(resources)
>>> urls = api.get_urlpatterns()  # Include these in Django urlpatterns


  • Auto-generates an OpenAPI 3.0 YAML file and a Swagger UI HTML interface to same.
  • Auto-generates Python client code which is self-documenting and has client-side validation.
  • Consistency of endpoints: specific pairings of HTTP method and URI path regex are mapped to known endpoints/operations.
  • Resources can be defined as mutable (read/write/delete) or read-only.
  • APIs built using Remple are thoroughly documented using the OpenAPI 3.0 spec.
  • Includes a search endpoint with a simple but expressive data structure for SQL WHERE-clause-based search over all exposed resources.

How to Understand OpenAPI 3.0

OpenAPI suffers from too much documentation. I have found this page to be a good authoritative source:
