CS425 MP3 - Distributed transactions

Group member

Jianfeng Xia(jxia11), Cheng Hu(chenghu3)


Go 1.11.5

Design & Evaluation

For details of algorithms & system design and performance evalution, please refer:

  • docs/CS425_MP3_Report.pdf


  • Configurations:
    1. Servers:
      • A running at VM01, port 9000
      • B running at VM01, port 9001
      • C running at VM01, port 9002
      • D running at VM01, port 9003
      • E running at VM01, port 9004
    2. Coordinator: Coordinator running at VM02, port 9000
  • Install graph library: go get github.com/twmb/algoimpl/go/graph
  • To build: go build mp3.go
  • To run:
    1. Run server: ./mp3 server name port
    2. Run client: ./mp3 client name
    3. Run coordinator: ./mp3 coordinator port