
A Drupal 7 Theme Scaffold and SASS Workflow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Theme Smoosh

A Drupal 7 Theme Scaffold and SASS Workflow


This project aims to simplify Drupal 7 Custom Theme construction by providing a Gulp-Sass workflow and initial page.tpl.php setup.


Drupal, PHP, JavaScript, Gulp, and SASS.


To use the code, you can clone the repository at https://github.com/jryanconklin/theme-smoosh.

For best results, please:

  • Clone the Repository
  • Remove the Git Folder with rm -rf .git
  • Update 'theme-smoosh' Directory to 'your-template-name'
  • Update 'theme_smoosh.info' to 'yourtemplatename.info'
  • Update Content Name and Description of 'yourtemplatename.info'
  • Edit 'package.json' file to match your new project name.
  • Run npm install to pull in required devDependencies.

That's it! You should have a nice clean sassy workflow to create your new custom theme. Write your SASS in the scss/style.scss file. Run gulp to compile your SASS to CSS for production.

Current Bugs

  • None at this time. Still a WIP.


J. Ryan Conklin

##License This work can be used under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2016 J. Ryan Conklin