
REST API seed/example project with node.js, express.js, and mongoose built using BDD / TDD

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


REST API seed project with node.js and express.js with BDD/TDD approach

How to use rest-express-seed

Clone the rest-express-seed repository, run npm install to install dependancies.

Running the app

npm start

Running tests

npm test

Directory Layout

app.js              --> express app
bin/                --> excutable binary file
  www               --> for starting the server
config/             --> configuration files
  index.js          --> application configuration
  routes            --> route configuration
models/             --> all ORM models (mongoose Schemas)
  user.js           --> sample user model
controllers/        --> contains all controllers
  userController.js --> sample user controller
lib/                --> custom classes/functions/modules for application that doesn't belong to models or controllers
  errorHandler.js   --> sample error handler function
test/                       --> all test spec files
  controllers/              --> specs for controller
    userController.spec.js  --> sample userController spec
  lib/                      --> specs for lib files
    errorHandler.spec.js    --> sample errorHandler spec
  models/                   --> specs for model files
    user.spec.js            --> sample user spec
  acceptance.spec.js        --> sample acceptance spec
  dbHelper.js               --> helper for bootstraping db connection and mogoose for testing
package.json        --> for npm
.gitignore          --> gitignore file
.jshintrc           --> jshint configuration file
Makefile            --> for running tests
