
vogo, social voting app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

*** This project is retired ***


Vogo client ionic application


  • Files and directories are organized by feature not by file type ( controller, directive, service)
  • It uses sass to build css style sheet: gulp sass
  • Any scripts in www/app (www/app/**/*.js) are added to index.html file easily running gulp index`
  • It uses jshint to check code quality: gulp lint
  • gulp config --option where option is one of 'production' or 'test' (defaults to development) build environment specific angular config module in www/app/components/config using www/app/config.json

How to Install

This is an starter project for ionic project. So, it requires ionic and cordova. If ionic and cordova is not already installed, run:

$ sudo npm install -g ionic cordova

Then, to install, simply run:

$ npm install

Then, to start app using ios simulator, run:

$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic emulate ios

For development using browser, run:

$ ionic serve