
Neovim vanila configuration file to improve UI and editing experience.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Neovim Configuration


Welcome to my Neovim configuration! Neovim is a modern, improved version of the popular text editor Vim. This configuration includes a variety of plugins and settings to enhance your Neovim experience.

Some of the notable features of this configuration include:

Installing this Configuration

To install this configuration on your system, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Neovim installed and set up. If you don't have Neovim, you can follow the instructions here.
  2. Clone this repository to your local machine. git clone https://github.com/jrzvnn/nvim.git
  3. Copy the nvim folder to ~/.config directory.
  4. Install the required plugins using Packer. In Neovim, run the following command: :PackerSync
  5. Restart Neovim. The One Dark color scheme and other features of this configuration should now be available.

File Structure

├── init.lua
├── lua
│   ├── autopairs
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── base
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── c-lsp
│   │   ├── auto-cmp.lua
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── c-lualine
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── c-mason
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── colors
│   │   ├── gruvbox.lua
│   │   ├── nightfox.lua
│   │   └── onedark.lua
│   ├── c-toggleterm
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── c-transp
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── c-tree
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── maps
│   │   └── init.lua
│   └── plugins
│       └── init.lua
├── plugin
│   └── packer_compiled.lua
├── README.md
└── scrots
    ├── nvim.png
    └── Screenshot_20230109_062338.png:Zone.Identifier