
Form logic made simple

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Low-level and simple react components to handle common form logic.

yarn add form-logic
npm install --save form-logic


Forms are always made up of the same logic :

  • Enable submit when certains values are filled
  • Disable submit and/or inputs when a request is in flight, or there is an error

But the exacts prerequisites are always custom to each form.
This library exposes 2 components : <Form/> and <FormBehave/>.

<Form/> exposes a context made of requests, values and errors.
<FormBehave/> allows to react and interact with this context.


Here is a simple form implementing most basics functionnalities :

  • The header displays itself differently if the user has filled its name.
  • Register button is disabled until inputs are filled
  • Register button and the inputs are disabled when the request is in flight


  <FormBehave render={({ values }) => (
        ? `Hello, ${values.name} !`
        : 'Who are you ?'}

    <FormBehave render={({ requests, values }, { setValue }) => (
        value={values.name || ''}
        onChange={(e) => setValue('name', e.target.value)}

    <FormBehave render={({ requests, values }, { setValue }) => (
        placeholder="Last name"
        value={values.lastName || ''}
        onChange={(e) => setValue('lastName', e.target.value)}

  <FormBehave render={({ requests, values }, { registerRequest }) => (
      onClick={() => registerRequest('register', this.register())}
      disabled={!values.name || !values.lastName || requests.register}
        ? 'Registering...'
        : 'Register !'}


  • <Form/> Provides context for any <FormBehave/> children.
  • <FormBehave render={fn} />
  • prop render (FormData, FormContext) => ?React$Element
type FormData = {
  requests: {
    [key: string]: Promise<any>,
  values: {
    [key: string]: any,
  errors: {
    [key: string]: string,
type FormContext = {
  registerRequest: (string, Promise<any>) => void,
  setValue: (string, any) => void,
  setError: (string, any) => void,