
Data and results of a phylogenetic biogeography analysis of the plant family Sapindaceae

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Phylogenetic biogeography of Sapindaceae

This repository contains the data and results of a phylogenetic biogeography analysis of the plant family Sapindaceae using the computer program PhyGeo.

Source data

Geographic data model

The geographic data model is an equal area pixelation of the Earth, with 360 pixels in the equatorial ring.

  • pixels-360.tab: This file contains the pixel IDs and their associated geographic locations.

Paleogeographic model

The plate motion model is Muller et al. (2022). The paleolandscape model is based on an unrotated version of Cao et al. (2017) for the 0-400 Ma period, and an unrotated version of the PaleoMap model (Scotese and Wright 2018), for the period 405-540 Ma. Then the pixels were rotated using the Müller et al. (2022) plate motion model.

  • muller-motion-360-5.tab: This file contains the pixelated version of the plate motion model, with e360 pixelation, and time slices for each 5 million years, from 600 Ma to present.
  • muller-landscape-cao-paleomap-360-5.tab: This file contains the pixelated version of the paleolandscape model, with e360 pixelation, and time slices for each 5 million years, from 540 Ma to present.


The phylogenetic tree was built using the Sapindaceae branch from the phylogenomic analysis of the Sapindales by Joyce et al. (2023), which is quite similar in content (at genus level) to previous biogeographic analyses of the group (Buerki et al. 2011, 2013). As the original publication does not provide a machine-readable file, the relationships and ages were extracted manually from the figures. The phylogeny was augmented with a few terminals from Buerki et al. (2013), mostly to enlarge the sampling of a few genera and fossil taxa used as stem calibration points in Joyce et al. (2023) were added as sisters of the indicated clade. The species Matayba tenax was excluded, as it does not match any Maytaba species or synonym in the Plants of the World database, as this particular terminal float in a previous analysis (Buerki et al., 2021), and the genus Matayba did not appear as monophyletic in previous studies (Buerki et al., 2011, 2013).

The tree was then updated with the taxonomy from Plants of the World in the file term-taxonomy.tab, removing synonyms from the tree.

  • data-tree.tab: This file contains the phylogeny as a tab-delimited table.
  • tree-joyce2023.svg: This file contains a drawing of the phylogenetic tree.

A tree was edited to remove the four faster branches (Lecanodiscus, Podonephelium, Tina, and Toechima).

  • tree-trim.tab: This file contains the phylogeny with the four faster branches removed.

Distribution records

Specimen data were obtained from a search of geo-referenced preserved specimens of Sapindaceae in GBIF. The initial number of records was 387.463 occurrences.

To process the raw occurrence records in GBIF, first a taxonomy using the terminal names was built using the GBIFer tool:

gbifer tax add --rank species --file term-taxonomy.tab < terminals.txt

Then the taxonomy is filled with all potential taxon names from the occurrence file from GBIF that are synonyms or sub-species of the names already in the taxonomy file:

gbifer tax match --file term-taxonomy.tab < occurrence.txt

The taxonomy file was edited to correct spelling errors and match the GBIF taxonomy with the taxonomy from the Plants of the World. This updated taxonomy, in the file term-taxonomy.tab, is used to update the phylogenetic tree, removing synonyms from the tree.

The taxonomy file was used to extract country information from the specimen records:

gbifer country --tax term.taxonomy.tab < occurrence.txt > countries.tab

The resulting file countries.tab was edited by removing the countries not explicitly defined in Plants of the World as native.

Then the occurrence table from GBIF was filtered using both the taxonomy file and the country file.

gbifer filter -tax term-taxonomy.tab -country countries.tab < occurrence.txt > occu-in-tree-geo.txt

Then the filtered points are converted into a file of points to be used with the taxRange tool:

gbifer export -tax term-taxonomy.tab < occu-in-tree-geo.txt > raw-gbif-records.tab

The filtered file, stored as raw-gbif-records.tab, contains 68.307 occurrences.

As there are no geo-referenced specimen records for Euchorium cubense, a record file based on a material citation for the taxon is stored in the file raw-euchorium-records.tab.

Using the taxRange tool, the filtered GBIF records are transformed into a file with presence pixels.

taxrange imp.points -e 360 -f text -o raw-points.tab raw-gbif-records.tab
taxrange imp.points -e 360 -f text -o raw-euchorium-points.tab raw-euchorium-records.tab

The resulting file is stored in raw-points.tab. The directory terminals stores the maps of the used distribution ranges.

Using the references given by Joyce et al. (2023), I added some fossil records to the file raw-fossil-records.tab. Then these records were added to the points file after the project was created. Then fossil records were rotated to their past locations:

phygeo range add -type points -format text project.tab raw-fossils-records.tab 
phygeo range rotate project.tab 



Key Prior Environment
1 0.001 oceanic plateaus
2 0.005 continental shelf
3 1.000 lowlands
4 1.000 highlands
5 0.001 ice sheets
  • landscape-key.tab: This file contains the keys for the landscape features of the paleolandscape model.
  • model-pix-prior.tab: This file contains the definition of the pixel priors used in the analysis.


To set up a project, all input data is added to the project. Here the project is stored in the project.tab file:

phygeo geo add -type geomotion project.tab muller-motion-360-5.tab 
phygeo geo add -type landscape project.tab muller-landscape-cao-paleomap-360-5.tab
phygeo geo prior -add model-pix-prior.tab project.tab
phygeo tree add -f data-tree.tab project.tab data-tree.tab
phygeo range add -f data-points.tab -type points project.tab raw-points.tab 
phygeo range add -type points project.tab raw-euchorium-points.tab 

A project using the tree without the four faster branches was created in the same way and stored as project-trim.tab.



Maximum likelihood was estimated using the command diff ml of PhyGeo. The output log is stored in log-ml.txt file:

phygeo diff ml project.tab > log-ml.txt

The maximum likelihood estimation of $\lambda$ was 19.5.

The same procedure was used to estimate the maximum likelihood with the trimmed tree, which was stored as log-trim-ml.txt. The maximum likelihood estimation of $\lambda$ was 32.8.

To estimate the shape of the likelihood function, the command diff integrate was used, estimating likelihood values for $\lambda$ between 0 and 50. The output is stored in log-file.txt.

phygeo diff integrate -parts 100 -max 50 project.tab > log-like.txt

The same procedure was used for the project with the trimmed tree, but for $\lambda$ values between 0 and 100. The results were stored as log-trim-like.txt.

To estimate the conditional likelihoods on each node, the command diff like was used. For the final results, the $\lambda$ value used was the one estimated without the four fast branches but using the full tree. For the sake of completeness, the same procedure was also used for the maximum likelihood estimate of $\lambda$ with the full tree. Unfortunately, the resulting files are too large to be stored in this repository.

phygeo diff like -lambda 32.8 -o l33 project.tab

The stochastic map was performed using 10,000 particles, with the command diff particles, and using the conditionals for a $\lambda$ value of 32.8. Again, for the sake of completeness, the same procedure was followed with the results of the maximum likelihood estimate. Given the size of the tree and the number of particles, the resulting files are too large for this repository.

phygeo diff particles -p 10000 -i l33-project.tab-joyce2023-32.800000-down.tab -o p-l33 project.tab


While the file with the particles is too large to be posted here, the raw frequencies are calculated with the command diff freq and posted as a compressed file freq-l33-project.tab.zip.

phygeo diff freq -i p-l33-joyce2023-32.800000x10000.tab -o freq-l33 project.tab

The same procedure was used for the maximum likelihood estimate of $\lambda$, stored as freq-ml-project.tab.zip.

For the output maps, a KDE using a spherical normal with lambda 1000 was built from the particle file. The same procedure was used for the maximum likelihood estimate.

phygeo diff freq -kde 1000 -i p-l33-joyce2023-32.800000x10000.tab -o kde-l33 project.tab

Even as KDE, the files are too large to be posted in this repository, so the maps for all the reconstructions are provided. And stored in the directory maps-l33-k95. Use tree-joyce2023.svg for the node numbers.

phygeo diff map -c 1440 -key landscape-key.tab -gray -i kde-l33-project.tab-p-l33-joyce2023-32.800000x10000.tab.tab -o "maps-l33-k95/l33-k95" project.tab

Maps (in lower resolution) with 50% of the KDE are stored in the directory maps-l33-k50.

phygeo diff map -c 360 -key landscape-key.tab -gray -bound 0.5 -i kde-l33-project.tab-p-l33-joyce2023-32.800000x10000.tab.tab -o "maps-l33-k50/k50" project.tab 

Maps for lineage richness are stored in the directories maps-l33-rich and maps-l33-rich-u for the maps using paleogeographic reconstructions and maps rotated to present time, respectively.

phygeo diff map -c 1440 -key landscape-key -gray -richness -i kde-l33-project.tab-p-l33-joyce2023-32.800000x10000.tab.tab -o "maps-l33-rich/l33-r" project.tab

phygeo diff map -c 1440 -key landscape-key -gray -richness -unrot -i kde-l33-project.tab-p-l33-joyce2023-32.800000x10000.tab.tab -o "maps-l33-rich/l33-ru" project.tab

Each map has the convention <type>-<tree>-n<node id>-<age>.png, in which <type> indicates the type of the reconstruction (for example l33-k95 for maps form $\lambda$ 32.8, and KDE of 95%), <tree> indicates the tree (in this case joyce2023), <node id> is the identifier of the node (that can be consulted in the file tree-joyce2023.svg), and <age> is the age in million years.

The speed is calculated with the command diff speed, a tree with the speed of branches is stored as speed-l33-joyce2023.svg, and a log file with the distances, the confidence interval, and the average velocity is stored in speed-l33.tab.

phygeo diff speed -tree speed-l33 -step 5 -box 10 -i p-l33-joyce2023-32.800000x10000.tab project.tab > speed-l33.tab

The same procedure was performed with the maximum likelihood estimate, and the results stored as speed-ml-joyce.svg and speed-ml.tab.


References are also available as BiBTeX in the file biblio.bib.

Buerki, S. et al. (2011) An evaluation of new parsimony-based versus parametric inference methods in biogeography: a case study using the globally distributed plant family Sapindaceae. Journal of Biogeography, 38, 531-550. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2010.02432.x.

Buerki, S. et al. (2013) The abrupt climate change at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary and the emergence of South-East Asia triggered the spread of sapindaceous lineages. Annals of Botany, 112, 151-160. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mct106.

Buerki, S. et al. (2021) An updated infra-familial classification of Sapindaceae based on targeted enrichment data. American Journal of Botany, 108, 1234-1251. DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.1693.

Cao, W. et al. (2017) Improving global paleogeography since the late Paleozoic using paleobiology. Biogeosciences, 14, 5425-5439. DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-5425-2017.

GBIF.org (2023) GBIF occurrence download. DOI: 10.15468/dl.tjpzv2.

Joyce, E. M. et al. (2023) Phylogenomic analyses of Sapindales support new family relationships, rapid Mid-Cretaceous Hothouse diversification, and heterogeneous histories of gene duplication. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1063174. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1063174

Müller, R. D. et al. (2022) A tectonic-rules-based mantle reference frame since 1 billion years ago – implications for supercontinent cycles and plate–mantle system evolution. Solid Earth, 12, 1127-1159. DOI: 10.5194/se-13-1127-2022.

PoWO (2023) Plants of the World Online. URL: http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/.

Scotese, C.S., Wrigth, N. (2018) PALEOMAP Paleodigital elevation models (PaleoDEMs) for Phanerozoic. URL: https://www.earthbyte.org/paleodem-resource-scotese-and-wright-2018/.