Http adapter for js-data. Main Site: http://js-data.io, API Reference Docs: http://api.js-data.io
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Docs issue: js-data-http
#80 opened by BovineEnthusiast - 1
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- 1
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- 0
Upgrade Circle CI to 2.0 configs
#72 opened by crobinson42 - 7
- 2
- 4
axios as devDependency
#65 opened by oprogramador - 0
Impossible to set timeout globally
#68 opened by t-sakharova - 2
- 1
Feature Request: Option to allow 404 response to be interpretted as No content (204) response
#67 opened by kvandelden - 0
Handle no internet connection error
#66 opened by esase - 5
responseError callback no longer includes the actual error response object from the server
#60 opened by omanizer - 3
Error with window on Universal Rendering
#63 opened by Gregcop1 - 1
- 3
Finish adding JSDoc comments to source code
#38 opened by jmdobry - 0
dist/js-data-http.d.ts is not complete
#55 opened by jmdobry - 3
Rewrite DSHttpAdapter page on js-data.io
#37 opened by jmdobry - 1
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typescript definition file for js-data-http v3
#49 opened by nlac - 0
Standardize on JSData's error codes
#51 opened by jmdobry - 3
Add support for patch / patrial update method
#48 opened by facultymatt - 0
Cannot override default suffix
#39 opened by jmdobry - 0
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Map file path in js-data-http.min.js is incorrect.
#45 opened by ajbogh - 0
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Handle multiple relations in getEndpoint
#33 opened by kentcdodds - 8
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Get test coverage in v3 branch up to at least 95%
#36 opened by jmdobry - 1
add generic error handler
#28 opened by jmdobry - 1
Add support for the "raw" option.
#35 opened by jmdobry - 3
ReferenceError: navigator is not defined
#13 opened by Toub - 1
Allow option to use window.fetch if available
#17 opened by jmdobry - 0
DS.find Batching
#29 opened by treyenelson - 0
IE9 compatibility
#30 opened by jmdobry - 13
Handling Rails HEAD 204 on update
#16 opened by kaisersly - 16
Adding support for form-data
#14 opened by sebastianhenneberg - 5
Cannot read property 'http' of undefined
#18 opened by gutenye - 0
logResponse doesn't reject when this.http() rejects with something that is not an Error
#27 opened by jmdobry - 5
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Cannot read property 'method' of undefined
#21 opened by RobertHerhold - 0
Add support for full url override
#26 opened by jmdobry - 2
Angular/HTTP: Allow computed properties without using data attributes from the service
#19 opened by ajbogh - 1
how to access to ALL respose headers?
#24 opened by kfreiman - 4
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DSHttpAdapter#find does not call queryTransform
#10 opened by jmdobry - 0