
Scan your logs for CVE-2021-44228 related activity and report the attackers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

jndiRep - CVE-2021-44228

Basically a bad grep on even worse drugs.

  • search for malicious strings
  • decode payloads
  • print results to stdout or file
  • report ips (incl. logs) to AbuseIPDB

jndiRep must be run as superuser

How to scan?

Please be aware, that not all applications will log either into /var/log/... or even log files. There's no scan option covering all possibilities. Use the following steps to cover most of your log files.

  1. Know your applications:
    If you know what critical systems you're running, you also know where they store their logs. Use python3 jndiRep.py -d <directory> -o filename.json to scan each directory. Don't forget to save the results in a file.
  2. Hidden logs:
    You might not be aware of some applications. Luckily, one can find most of them via lsof | grep \.log. Use python3 jndiRep.py -l -o filename.json to make use of lsof and scan each file found. lsof might not find logs like access.log.1. You need to figure these directories out if not covered by the first scan, and use the -d parameter.
  3. Docker containers:
    If your applications run via Docker, you can make use of the docker logs <container id> output. Use python3 jndiRep.py -D to scan the log output of each running container.

If you're missing any scan option, please let me know.


  • Directory: python3 jndiRep.py -d /path/to/directory
  • File: python3 jndiRep.py -f /path/to/input.txt
  • All logs: python3 jndiRep.py -l will use lsof to scan for all possible log paths and scan them
  • Docker: python3 jndiRep.py -D will scan output of docker logs <id> for possible attacks
  • Custom filter: python3 jndiRep.py ... -g "ldap" searches for custom words instead of the default jndi
  • Ignore words: python3 jndiRep.py ... -i "jndiRep,test,js-on" ignores comma separated values in findings
  • Threading: If scanning a directory, 4 threads will work on the files in parallel. You can change this by using -t <threads>.


Directory scan python3 jndiRep.py -d /var/log/plesk

File scan python3 jndiRep.py -f /var/log/nginx/access.log


You can either print results to a file or to stdout (includes coloring of IPs and payloads).

  • stdout: python3 jndiRep.py ...
  • file: python3 jndiRep.py ... -o /path/to/output.txt Use .json or .csv as extension to output data as JSON or CSV, otherwise the output will be the same as stdout. For CSV | is used as separator to avoid issues with log lines, but please prefer JSON as it's not affected by weird chars in the findings.


For reporting, an API Key (hex string of length 80) for AbuseIPDB is required, which you can obtain by register at the service and request IP Reporting ability.

  • Report IPs once: python3 jndiRep.py ... -a <api key>
  • Report every occurrence: python3 jndiRep.py ... -a <api key> --no-dedup
  • Change default comment: python3 jndiRep.py ... -c "your custom comment"
  • Include logs: python3 jndiRep.py ... --include-logs

Warning: Reporting is provided "as is". PII will not be cut, decoded payloads will not be uploaded.


  • Create pull request with your solution
  • Open an issue here and I'll try to fix it asap


usage: jndiRep.py [-h] [-a API_KEY] [-d DIRECTORY] [-f FILE] [-l] [-D] [-g GREP] [-i IGNORE] [-o OUTPUT] [-t THREADS] [-r] [-c COMMENT] [-I] [--no-dedup]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
                        AbuseIPDB Api Key
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Directory to scan
  -f FILE, --file FILE  File to scan
  -l, --logs            Use `lsof` to find all .log files and scan them
  -D, --docker          Inspect running containers and scan for log4j activity
  -g GREP, --grep GREP  Custom word to grep for
  -i IGNORE, --ignore IGNORE
                        Custom words to ignore (grep -v)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        File to store results. stdout if not set. Use .csv|.json extension for automatic data formatting
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads to start. Default is 4
  -r, --report          Report IPs to AbuseIPDB with category 21 (malicious web request)
  -c COMMENT, --comment COMMENT
                        Comment sent with your report
  -I, --include-logs    Include logs in your report. PII will NOT be stripped of!!!
  --no-dedup            If set, report every occurrence of IP. Default: Report only once.