
Easily create eased gradients to avoid the "Mach Banding" optical illusion of plain linear gradients

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A tiny library for creating eased gradients.

Eased gradient

An eased gradient is simply a gradient rendered using an easing curve, such as "ease in" or "ease in-out". by using Easedgradient you can avoid the Mach Bands optical illusion which is particular visible when the gradient moves over a background such as an image in a parallax manner. Build and run the "EasedGradient-Example" scheme to see the effect when dragging the scrollview around.



let gradient = Gradient(from: .blue, to: .red, stops: 32, using: .easeInOut)

let gradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradientLayer.colors = gradient.colors
gradientLayer.locations = gradient.locations as [NSNumber]
// add the gradientLayer as a sublayer or whatever


EasedGradient is available as a CocoaPod (pod 'EasedGradient') and the Swift Package Manager. Framework installation is also available by dragging the EasedGradient.xcodeproj into your project or via Carthage.

Eventually has no dependencies outside of UIKit and CoreGraphics


MIT, See the LICENSE file