
Nodeschool Dallas chapter

Primary LanguageCSS

Nodeschool Dallas


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NodeSchool is an open source project run by volunteers with two goals: to create high quality programming curriculum and to host community learning events.


Nodeschool Dallas logo

What's a NodeSchool?


###More about NodeSchool

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Get Node Up and Running

  • nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm

    • Allows for multiple Node.js versions installed (similar to Ruby's rvm)
    • Installs in user's home directory, avoids "sudo" problems
  • Node.js binary: http://nodejs.org/

    • Easiest install method
    • Can require "sudo" permissions

General Resources:


  • Sign into Github or sign up if you haven't already!
  • Find the file with today's date in this project's events folder and click to view it
  • Press the edit button in the top right corner of the document's header (pencil icon)
  • Find your name under the Attendance section
    • If you don't see your name, add it!
    • Feel free to change the way your name appears!
    • Keep the list in alphabetical order!
  • Change the [ ] next to your name to [x] to indicate that you are here!
  • Scroll down and click Propose file change
  • On the next page, leave us a nice comment if you'd like, and then click Create pull request
  • Congratulations! Your attendance at Nodeschool has been noted and you will be added to the Nodeschool Dallas team shortly!