Learning C

This repo is for learning c programming.

Main learning materials are K&R and Harvard cs50, and other books and online.

Learning environment

Although C is a cross-platform language, I choose to use Linux to get a good taste.

And use Linux is a natural choice for me, i'm already comfortable with archlinux and K&R use unix. Also, i learn almost anything in Linux.

Here are some main tools i use to learn c.


Arch Linux. Linux kernel 5.7.12+.


  1. bash 5.0.17+
  2. zsh 5.8+

C compilers

  1. gcc 10.1.0+
  2. clang 10.0.1+


vim 8.2+ and plugins.

Why bother ?

  1. C is de facto for almost all. Or, it's genes impart to many latecomers.
  2. Many serious computer books use c to introduce low-level computing. I want learn them in the long run.

Study notes

No notes written in markdown, all of them are directly written in source code comments.

Read the code and comments for recap.