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In order to get a better JOB👔!?

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Good Website🌐

Some Git Tip

  • 更新remote並查看本端跟remote檔案差別

     $ git remote update && git diff origin/master
  • 開新分支並前往該分支

     $ git checkout -b test
  • 把新修正加入之前的 commit

     $ git stash
    $ git rebase -i
     # change the target commit to "edit"
     $ git stash pop
     $ git add target_file
     $ git commit --amend --no-edit
     $ git stash
     $ git rebase --continue
     $ git stash pop

Helpful Tools

Useful Command

  • To find out which problem you haven't solved yet
     # For example: Yuan
     $ find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d '!' -exec test -d "{}/Yuan" ';' -print