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Gremlin Demo

This repository contains scripts and examples to integrate with Gremlin SaaS. The provided examples cover managing service annotations, running service reliability tests, and interacting with the Honeycomb API.

Table of Contents

Manage Service Annotations

Use these scripts to manage annotations for various services.

Storefront Annotations

Run the following command to manage storefront annotations:

./scripts/manage-storefront-annotations.sh <Action> <Suffix> <Team ID> <Namespace>


./scripts/manage-storefront-annotations.sh add East b8d5b49a-36cb-461f-95b4-9a36cb061ffe storefront

WordPress Annotations

Run the following command to manage WordPress annotations:

./scripts/manage-wordpress-annotations.sh <Action> <Suffix> <Team ID> <Namespace>


./scripts/manage-wordpress-annotations.sh add Test 0e1177cd-d46b-43e4-9177-cdd46b33e402 wordpress-test
./scripts/manage-wordpress-annotations.sh add Prod 0e1177cd-d46b-43e4-9177-cdd46b33e402 wordpress-prod

Run Service Reliability Tests

Execute the following script to run service reliability tests:

./scripts/test-services.sh <Team ID>


./scripts/test-services.sh 0e1177cd-d46b-43e4-9177-cdd46b33e402

Honeycomb API

These examples demonstrate how to interact with the Honeycomb API.

List All Triggers

Retrieve all triggers for the frontend proxy:

curl -s -X GET https://api.honeycomb.io/1/triggers/frontendproxy \
  -H "X-Honeycomb-Team: $TF_VAR_honeycomb_storefront_api_key" | jq .

Get All SLOs

Retrieve all Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for the frontend proxy:

curl -s -X GET https://api.honeycomb.io/1/slos/frontendproxy \
  -H "X-Honeycomb-Team: $TF_VAR_honeycomb_storefront_api_key" | jq .


To create markers, use the following details:

  • Request URL:

Note: The dataset slug or use __all__ for endpoints that support environment-wide operations.

  • Custom Headers:

    • Key: X-Honeycomb-Team
    • Value: <Honeycomb API Key>
  • Payload Example:

      "message": "Gremlin ${ATTACK_TYPE} attack (ID: ${ATTACK_ID}) is ${STATUS} (Final Stage: ${STAGE}) from ${SOURCE}",
      "type": "attack-${ATTACK_TYPE}",
      "url": "https://app.gremlin.com/attacks/${ATTACK_ID}"


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to enhance these examples further.