
Local Kubernetes Clusters

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Local Clusters for Kubernetes Testing

Create Talos in Docker Kubernetes clusters

Install the Talos CLI

brew install siderolabs/tap/talosctl

Create cluster

Talos with Calico default settings

talosctl cluster create --config-patch-control-plane @controlplane.yaml --config-patch-worker @worker.yaml
talosctl cluster show
kubectl get tigerastatus --context admin@talos-default

Talos with Calico custom settings

talosctl cluster create --name calico --cidr --config-patch-control-plane @controlplane-custom.yaml --config-patch-worker @worker-custom.yaml
talosctl cluster show --name calico
kubectl get tigerastatus --context admin@calico

Delete cluster

talosctl cluster destroy
talosctl cluster destroy --name calico


How do you find the names of local Talos clusters?

docker ps should give you an idea, as the container names are prefix with cluster names. docker network ls might also be helpful, as each cluster has its own network. But please keep in mind that there might be other unrelated containers/networks.

My local Talos cluster stopped working when Orbstack/Docker Desktop was shutdown. How do I turn it back on?

Get the container ids for each cluster and start them with docker.

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                             COMMAND        CREATED      STATUS                        PORTS     NAMES
e01809686f0e   ghcr.io/siderolabs/talos:v1.7.5   "/sbin/init"   4 days ago   Exited (137) 24 seconds ago             blue-worker-1
ea2fe178d0b0   ghcr.io/siderolabs/talos:v1.7.5   "/sbin/init"   4 days ago   Exited (137) 24 seconds ago             blue-controlplane-1
$ docker start e01809686f0e ea2fe178d0b0
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                             COMMAND        CREATED      STATUS         PORTS                                               NAMES
e01809686f0e   ghcr.io/siderolabs/talos:v1.7.5   "/sbin/init"   4 days ago   Up 7 seconds                                                       blue-worker-1
ea2fe178d0b0   ghcr.io/siderolabs/talos:v1.7.5   "/sbin/init"   4 days ago   Up 7 seconds>6443/tcp,>50000/tcp   blue-controlplane-1